Resiliency Factors in Hispanic Parenting
Children with poor parent -child relationships are at risk for delinquent behavior. Assimilation has been linked with depression and suicidal ideation among Latino adolescents according to the center for disease control. However, researchers have not been interested in what connections can be made among the parent -child relationship, delinquency, acculturation, and resiliency to find out what is working best for the immigrant Latino parent population. This study utilized a sample of 500 Latinos ranging from 18- 30 years of age reflecting back on their adolescent years to measure the parent child relationship as it pertains to delinquency, acculturation, and resiliency. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the relationship between the variables. Findings indicated that the parent – child relationship affects delinquent behaviors, and drug use in second generation Latino immigrant adolescents. Those who reported higher levels of drug use were associated with lower satisfaction and healthy parent child- interactions. Reported levels of resiliency were higher for those who reported higher levels of acculturation and heathier parent- child interactions.
Nalbone, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Social psychology|Hispanic American studies
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