"Method Development and Applications of Spray-based Ambient Ionization " by Pu Wei

Method Development and Applications of Spray-based Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Pu Wei, Purdue University


There has been a variety of spray-based ambient ionization methods developed since 2004, including paper spray, leaf spray, slug flow microextraction nanoESI, and extractive paper spray. The work described in this dissertation covers diverse method developments and applications of these spray-based ambient ionization methods, especially paper spray ionization. A system which combines paper spray and a recently developed miniature mass spectrometer (Mini 12) has been demonstrated to perform rapid discrimination of microorganisms and in situ analysis of squalene oxidation on human skin. In addition, paper spray and leaf spray have been deployed for quantitative TAG analysis of plant oils and oil seeds, which allowed fast and simple fatty acid profiling. Also, paper spray and leaf spray, used with a miniature mass spectrometer (Mini 10.5), have been evaluated for qualitative analysis of 2,4-D formulations directly from soybean plants in the field. The same system has also been adapted to analyze peptides from transgenic plants in complex corn extract with no or minimal sample preparation. Paper spray, slug flow microextraction nanoESI, and extractive paper spray have been applied to quantitatively analyze pesticides in juices and flavoring oils. Three intrinsic compounds, which are known as Huanglongbing biomarkers, have been quantitatively analyzed by reactive nanoESI in orange juice.




Cooks, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Analytical chemistry

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