Smart electrical meter integration with residential real-time feedback and appliance control devices

Jeremiah J Dole, Purdue University


This feasibility research seeks to reliably and accurately obtain data from the Smart Meters with wireless communication capabilities that will soon be installed in every home. Information from the Smart Meters could enable consumers to have useful feedback information on their electrical usage and also have automatic control of their appliances. Studies have shown that providing consumers more information about their electricity consumption as real-time feedback can help shift loads away from the electrical grid's peak demand periods. Therefore, this completed prototype could benefit the electrical grid in the future by helping consumers shift electricity usage to off-peak periods, so this will help reduce shortages on the electrical grid, reduce wasted energy, and reduce the required electrical generation capacity. The consumers could also benefit from lowered electricity bills and help consumers make smarter energy usage choices. All of these positive effects could be the result of the innovative work this study completed to effectively read data from the Smart Meter on a microcontroller-based system.




Kulatunga, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Electrical engineering|Energy

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