Wayfinding systems in healthcare facilities for the aging population

Rhonda R Kline, Purdue University


The rapid growth of the baby boomer generation illustrates the need for more efficient healthcare design. A major contributing factor in successful design lies with the efficiency of the wayfinding system. Wayfinding systems provide the aid individuals need in order to find their way from one location to another. Research has affirmed that older individuals experience greater difficulty in navigating throughout their environment. In order to effectively design for this demographic, wayfinding systems need to be re-evaluated and designed to provide enhanced visual information. Case studies have been developed in order to examine various wayfinding methods and behaviors found in three healthcare facilities among senior citizens. The results from the case studies are exhibited through the redesign of Goshen General Hospital’s wayfinding system. The newly designed system exhibits enhanced wayfinding strategies that will effectively assist the aging population.




Lee, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Gerontology|Design|Health care management

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