"Student learning and understanding of sequence stratigraphic principle" by Juan Sebastian Herrera

Student learning and understanding of sequence stratigraphic principles

Juan Sebastian Herrera, Purdue University


Research in geoscience education addressing students' conceptions of geological subjects has concentrated in topics such as geological time, plate tectonics, and problem solving in the field, mostly in K-12 and entry level college scenarios. Science education research addressing learning of sedimentary systems in advance undergraduates is rather limited. Therefore, this dissertation contributed to filling that research gap and explored students' narratives when explaining geological processes associated with the interaction between sediment deposition and sea level fluctuations. The purpose of the present study was to identify the common conceptions and alternative conceptions held by students when learning the basics of the sub discipline known as sequence stratigraphy - which concepts students were familiar and easily identified, and which ones they had more difficulty with. In addition, we mapped the cognitive models that underlie those conceptions by analyzing students' gestures and conceptual metaphors used in their explanations. This research also investigated the interaction between geoscientific visual displays and student gesturing in a specific learning context. In this research, an in-depth assessment of 27 students' ideas of the basic principles of sequence stratigraphy was completed. Participants were enrolled in advanced undergraduate stratigraphy courses at three research-intensive universities in Midwest U.S. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews, spatial visualization tests, and lab assignments. Results indicated that students poorly integrated temporal and spatial scales in their sequence stratigraphic models, and that many alternative conceptions were more deeply rooted than others, especially those related to eustasy and base level. In order to better understand the depth of these conceptions, we aligned the analysis of gesture with the theory of conceptual metaphor to recognize the use of mental models known as image schemas as a source of concept representation. A hermeneutical approach enabled us to access student meaning-making from students' verbal reports and gestures, to explore the mental imagery that lies in student explanations of basic principles in sequence stratigraphy. From the analysis of video-recorded interviews four main mental models were interpreted in gestures and verbal reports. The cognitive model known as container schema appeared to represent both spatially and temporally extended concepts differentiated into three separate sub-types. The source-path-goal schema was also common in student reasoning about sedimentary processes; specially dealing with deposition of sediment, the up-and-down schema, and the link schema were associated with responses about sea level fluctuations and unconformities. Results suggested that students tended to make more iconic and metaphoric gestures when dealing with abstract concepts such as relative sea level, base level, and unconformities. Based on the analysis of gestures that recreated certain patterns as time, strata, and sea-level fluctuations, we reasoned that proper representational gestures may indicate completeness in conceptual understanding. We concluded that students rely on image schemas to develop ideas about complex sedimentary processes. This research also supported the hypothesis that gestures provide an independent and non-linguistic indicator of image-schemas as mental models that shape conceptual development. Finally, we assessed the impact of using computer simulation to probe deeper understanding of specialized concepts in stratigraphy. Results suggested that when students are unfamiliar with concepts; students tend to convey meaning via gestures. Cognitive models were also identified in student interaction with the computer simulation and these mental models were interpreted from pointing gestures. We concluded that the impact of computers strive on fostering a sense of dynamism to their static and abstract concepts enhancing the system thinking ability of participants.




Riggs, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Geology|Sedimentary Geology|Science education

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