"Digital forensic investigation of a Dropbox cloud-hosted shared folder" by George M Kiruthu

Digital forensic investigation of a Dropbox cloud-hosted shared folder

George M Kiruthu, Purdue University


Cloud shared storage platforms have transformed how data is stored in the world today. Furthermore, this new technology has created many new opportunities; however, it also poses challenges during digital forensic investigations which use " scientific methods to collect, validate, identify, document, and present digital evidence from criminal events and which help anticipate unauthorized actions disruptive to planned operations " (DFRWS, 2001). This study is aimed at developing an admissible method for extracting, collecting, and examining digital evidence from a Dropbox cloud-shared folder. Currently, there is no admissible method for conducting digital forensics within cloud-shared folders. A new methodology was developed to acquire, analyze, and report on the digital evidence. This study was successful in obtaining results which proved it was possible to develop an admissible method of digital evidence extraction from various locations within the cloud-shared folder hosted by different platforms.




Rogers, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Information Technology|Multimedia Communications

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