"Effects of augmented reality presentations on consumer's visual percep" by April L Lutheran

Effects of augmented reality presentations on consumer's visual perception of floor plans

April L Lutheran, Purdue University


Home architects and designers use many types of presentation drawings to convey design ideas. Augmented reality is a relatively new technology that can be used to aid in design and marketing for residential builders. An augmented reality presentation provides a more complete idea of a design than other presentations such as 3D model renderings and hand drawn artist sketches. While designers are accustomed to visualizing 2D plans, this task is difficult for home buyers. This difficulty has been associated with lower spatial ability in people who are not accustomed to reviewing plans. Augmented reality can be used to make visualization easier and help developers save on marketing expenses. The use of augmented reality could lower sales and marketing expense by reducing the number of model homes built to help potential buyers visualize new concepts. While this technology has been studied by many industries, very little research has been done on how it could benefit residential builders. The research conducted in this study sets a baseline of consumers opinions on viewing and augmented reality presentation.




Connolly, Purdue University.

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