Analysis of a next generation energy system based on the integration of transportation subsystem details

Xiaohui Liu, Purdue University


As the economy continues to grow, the current energy system will need to meet the increasing demand, especially in the developing countries. The depletion of fossil fuels, the surge in energy use, and the growing threat of climate change require rapid development of next-generation energy system. Renewable energy, such as wind, solar, and biomass, will undoubtedly play an important role, as a result of improved technology and enhanced capability in energy storage. For example, the closer integration of transportation to the energy system through vehicle electrification will have an increasing effect on the trajectory of the energy system. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the future energy system, anticipate potential problems during the evolution, and provide constructive suggestions for policy makers, a systematic analysis of the next generation energy system is highly desirable. ^ In general, the energy system consists of an energy demand sector and an energy supply sector. In this study, both supply and demand sectors are analyzed. For the energy demand sector, Electric Vehicle (EV) battery lifespan is quantified through an integrated battery aging model and a microscopic traffic network simulation model. Beyond EV battery lifespan, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have also been studied in this research. A distributed solar PV system model has been built for both research and educational purposes. Using this model, a benefit-cost analysis is applied to evaluate the impacts of combined tax breaks from depreciation and interest paid on home-equity loans on competitiveness under different purchase options for a 4 kW solar PV system in California. For the energy supply sector, this study sets out to investigate the effects of high penetration of renewable generators (wind and solar) on the supply-side of electricity market, particularly on electricity prices and carbon emissions.^




Joseph F. Pekny, Purdue University, James E. Dietz, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Alternative Energy|Chemical engineering

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