"Analysis of slender structures using mechanics of structure genome and" by Xin Liu

Analysis of slender structures using mechanics of structure genome and open source codes

Xin Liu, Purdue University


Structural genome (SG) is the smallest mathematical building block that contains all constitutive information of a structure. SG is a bridge connecting the material microstructures and the macroscopic structural analysis, so mechanics of structure genome (MSG) is an approach that unifies micromechanics and structural mechanics. There are three types of SG: 1D SG, 2D SG and 3D SG depending on the heterogeneity of the original structure. Once the SG of a structure is identified, the effective properties for corresponding structures including beams, plates/shells, or 3D solids can be obtained by the homogenization analysis of the SG. These effective properties can be used for the macroscopic structural analysis. After macroscopic structural analysis, the global structural responses can be the input parameters to get the local displacements/stress/strain using dehomogenization analysis of the SG. The mechanics of structure genome is implemented in a general purpose composites software called SwiftComp™. Slender structures are widely used in various industries, such as civil, aerospace and structural engineering. Using MSG, a new structural analysis approach is used to study the slender structures. In order to let users easily get the access to the software using this approach, several open source codes have been modified and upgraded. Graphical user interface is built on Gmsh, and CalculiX is chosen as the structural solver. New beam elements have been added to CalculiX to make the better use of the capability of SwiftComp™. Both linear and quadratic beam elements for Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam models are derived. Several numerical models show that the results using MSG and its companion code SwiftComp™ agree well with the 3D finite element analysis. The MSG approach greatly simplified the modeling process while maintaining accuracy. Therefore, the MSG approach provides an alternative way to analyze structures, especially when the structures are complex and made of composites.




Yu, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace engineering|Civil engineering

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