"After-hours mobile technology use and its effect on burnout experience" by Anne R Stark

After-hours mobile technology use and its effect on burnout experienced by student affairs professionals

Anne R Stark, Purdue University


This study examined the possible effect between the after-hours mobile technology use by student affairs professionals and work place burnout experienced by student affairs professionals. Similar to Owens (2014), data for this study were collected by employing the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Christina Maslach, Jackson, & Leiter, 1986). The collected data in this study were explored by the statistical method of multiple regression. While the number of responses was not high enough to determine statistically significant differences, the data did not show a strong correlation between after-hours mobile technology use and workplace burnout experienced by student affairs professionals. The Areas of Worklife Survey (M. Leiter & Maslach, 1999) was used to examine possible moderating variables of the workplace environment. Analysis of this data suggests there is more of a association amid the workplace environments of student affairs professionals and burnout than after-hours mobile technology use. Future studies should examine this relationship in more depth to provide greater understanding and offer possible strategies of migration.




Naimi, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Psychology|Technical Communication|Higher education

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