A low cost wireless UV dosimeter for occupational hazard monitoring
Ultraviolet radiation in the workplace is a health hazard which often goes unmonitored due to its perceived innocuousness. Long term high UV exposure is known to significantly increase the risk of various dermal (e.g., melanoma) and ocular (e.g., cataracts) diseases. Despite the availability of UV sensors, workers with high UV exposure levels (e.g., construction workers, waterside lifeguards, and fishermen) and their employers have not embraced them for monitoring purposes. A reduction in the cost of UV monitoring devices and an increase in their ease-of-use could render them more attractive to employers and employees and subsequently increase UV exposure awareness. As an initial step towards creating a user-friendly and affordable UV monitor, we demonstrate a low-cost wireless electronic personal UV dosimeter that can be mass produced with standard manufacturing techniques and components. It features a low profile design, the capability of rapid multi-device polling, and a battery lifetime of more than 5000 hours. The device integrates the recently available SL900A chip for UHF RFID operation and an ultraviolet radiation sensor based upon Zinc Oxide nanowires. For prototype fabrication, aluminum on a PET substrate is patterned by means of fiber laser micromachining to create a flexible wearable device measuring 3cm x 10cm x 3mm.
Ziaie, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Biomedical engineering|Electrical engineering
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