Data Information Literacy Scenarios Exercise | 2013 Data Information Literacy Symposium

Participants at the DIL Symposium were asked to develop a DIL program in reaction to the hypothetical scenario of a lab or classroom environment. Materials in this section include the scenarios, the questions given to participants to develop their DIL program, and the video of the introduction and instructions for the exercise.

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Data Information Literacy Scenarios Exercise
Tuesday, September 24th
12:00 AM

DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Engineering

Jake Carlson, Purdue University
Camille Andrews, Cornell University
Marianne S. Bracke, Purdue University
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University
Jon Jeffryes, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Purdue University
Dean Walton, University of Oregon
Brian Westra, University of Oregon
Sarah J. Wright, Cornell University

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Interdisciplinary Center

Jake Carlson, Purdue University
Camille Andrews, Cornell University
Marianne S. Bracke, Purdue University
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University
Jon Jeffryes, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Purdue University
Dean Walton, University of Oregon
Brian Westra, University of Oregon
Sarah J. Wright, Cornell University

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Life Sciences

Jake Carlson, Purdue University
Camille Andrews, Cornell University
Marianne S. Bracke, Purdue University
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University
Jon Jeffryes, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Purdue University
Dean Walton, University of Oregon
Brian Westra, University of Oregon
Sarah J. Wright, Cornell University

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Physical Sciences/Chemistry

Jake Carlson, Purdue University
Camille Andrews, Cornell University
Marianne S. Bracke, Purdue University
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University
Jon Jeffryes, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Purdue University
Dean Walton, University of Oregon
Brian Westra, University of Oregon
Sarah J. Wright, Cornell University

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

DIL Symposium Program Development Exercise: Social Sciences

Jake Carlson, Purdue University
Camille Andrews, Cornell University
Marianne S. Bracke, Purdue University
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University
Jon Jeffryes, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Megan R. Sapp Nelson, Purdue University
Dean Walton, University of Oregon
Brian Westra, University of Oregon
Sarah J. Wright, Cornell University

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Exercise: Program Development in Data Information Literacy

Sarah J. Wright, Cornell University

12:00 AM