Opening the AI Black Box

Presenter Information

Kyler Nunery



The AI renaissance has largely been sparked by the success of neural networks. We'll start with a short history and an understanding of how a neural network (and CNN) actually works. Then we will demonstrate state-of-the-art examples in action using CNNs, GANs, and LSTMs for facial recognition, image classification, speech recognition, generated video, etc. And we'll talk about potential business applications for the entrepreneur and tools of the trade for those interested in diving in.


Stewart Center 202

Start Date

9-27-2017 9:00 AM




Sep 27th, 9:00 AM

Opening the AI Black Box

Stewart Center 202

The AI renaissance has largely been sparked by the success of neural networks. We'll start with a short history and an understanding of how a neural network (and CNN) actually works. Then we will demonstrate state-of-the-art examples in action using CNNs, GANs, and LSTMs for facial recognition, image classification, speech recognition, generated video, etc. And we'll talk about potential business applications for the entrepreneur and tools of the trade for those interested in diving in.