Linear to Exponential Thinking: Future-proofing your business in an era of disruptive innovation- New perspective shifts as to the coming era of “exponentials”, and the implications to linear-thinking enterprises.
Marcus has been working with Dr. Peter Diamandis, Salim Ismail, the SU faculty, and Fortune 200 CEOs and Board of Directors on the implications to “linear” business models and corporate cultures as they are disrupted by the “exponential” pace of change brought about by technology empowered innovations. Marcus will cover disruptive trends in the “exponentials” of artificial intelligence, robotics, 3d printing, bio-tech, Internet of Things/sensors, virtual and augmented reality, energy systems, digital currencies, crowd-sourcing, crowd-funding, the maker-movement, and others. Marcus will discuss the perspective shift that is required to truly appreciate this linear-to-exponential era of business that we are entering, Marcus will describe the underlining empirical data (Moore’s Law) that supports the “exponential” pace of change, thus delineating the “hype vs. reality”. He will present real examples where “exponentials” are enabling a new breed of entrepreneur that is thinking about their business and opportunities through a different lens than a more traditional linear thinking organization.
Discussion & Observations:
- Intrigue and astonishment by the speed of change and the imminence of impact – even experts in their fields.
- Reactions typically start with skepticism as to the pace of change, which leads to a discussion - beyond Moore’s Law – as to what is the true driver and enabler of the pace of change.
- Reactions span from being defensive of impact on a particular industry – to curiosity of disruptive forces, level of impact, and timing.
- The perspective shift of the rate of change, as well as the key drivers of disruption and thus blind-spots and establishing a new lens and perspective on their organization’s risk profile.
Start Date
10-3-2016 6:00 PM
Distribution of Innovation
Linear to Exponential Thinking: Future-proofing your business in an era of disruptive innovation- New perspective shifts as to the coming era of “exponentials”, and the implications to linear-thinking enterprises.
Marcus has been working with Dr. Peter Diamandis, Salim Ismail, the SU faculty, and Fortune 200 CEOs and Board of Directors on the implications to “linear” business models and corporate cultures as they are disrupted by the “exponential” pace of change brought about by technology empowered innovations. Marcus will cover disruptive trends in the “exponentials” of artificial intelligence, robotics, 3d printing, bio-tech, Internet of Things/sensors, virtual and augmented reality, energy systems, digital currencies, crowd-sourcing, crowd-funding, the maker-movement, and others. Marcus will discuss the perspective shift that is required to truly appreciate this linear-to-exponential era of business that we are entering, Marcus will describe the underlining empirical data (Moore’s Law) that supports the “exponential” pace of change, thus delineating the “hype vs. reality”. He will present real examples where “exponentials” are enabling a new breed of entrepreneur that is thinking about their business and opportunities through a different lens than a more traditional linear thinking organization.
Discussion & Observations:
- Intrigue and astonishment by the speed of change and the imminence of impact – even experts in their fields.
- Reactions typically start with skepticism as to the pace of change, which leads to a discussion - beyond Moore’s Law – as to what is the true driver and enabler of the pace of change.
- Reactions span from being defensive of impact on a particular industry – to curiosity of disruptive forces, level of impact, and timing.
- The perspective shift of the rate of change, as well as the key drivers of disruption and thus blind-spots and establishing a new lens and perspective on their organization’s risk profile.