Purdue e-Pubs - Dawn or Doom Conference: Where Does Sacrificing Liberty for Security Exceed Our Limits?

Where Does Sacrificing Liberty for Security Exceed Our Limits?

Presenter Information

J. Eric Dietz, PurdueFollow

Streaming Media



Introduction of information technology into the practice of emergency management and homeland security emerge as the dawn of new applications but are these methods the doom for liberty and privacy. The abundance of disasters from all causes, have illuminated the fragility and weakness in our civilization, the urgency for taking action and the need to make timely decisions to limit property damage and reduce the risk to human life. Information technology systems are emerging as a tool for emergency management practitioners to plan with more efficiency and to achieve sufficient situational awareness with greater speed and accuracy than legacy systems to make good decisions. While information technology systems can speed decision making, can information technology and security measurement methods give us insight into our limits for sacrificing liberty for security?



Start Date

9-24-2015 1:30 PM




Sep 24th, 1:30 PM

Where Does Sacrificing Liberty for Security Exceed Our Limits?


Introduction of information technology into the practice of emergency management and homeland security emerge as the dawn of new applications but are these methods the doom for liberty and privacy. The abundance of disasters from all causes, have illuminated the fragility and weakness in our civilization, the urgency for taking action and the need to make timely decisions to limit property damage and reduce the risk to human life. Information technology systems are emerging as a tool for emergency management practitioners to plan with more efficiency and to achieve sufficient situational awareness with greater speed and accuracy than legacy systems to make good decisions. While information technology systems can speed decision making, can information technology and security measurement methods give us insight into our limits for sacrificing liberty for security?