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Submissions from 1996
Front-Tracking Finite Difference Methods for the American Option Valuation Problem, K. N. Pantazopoulos, S. Zhang, and Elias N. Houstis (96-033)
Finanzia: An Option Valuation Library, Konstantinos N. Pantazopoulos and Elias N. Houstis (96-067)
Numerical Methods for Derivative Securities Models, Konstantinos N. Pantazopoulos and Elias N. Houstis (96-041)
Smoothing Polyhedra Using Trimmned Bicubic Patches, Jörg Peters (96-060)
Analysis of Algorithms Generalizing B- Spline Subdivision, Jörg Peters and Ulrich Reif (96-066)
The 42 Equivalence Classes of Quadratic Surfaces in Affine n-Space, Jörg Peters and Ulrich Reif (96-063)
The Simplest Subdivision Scheme for Smoothing Polyhedra, Jörg Peters and Ulrich Reif (96-032)
GAUSS: An Automatic Algorithm Selection System for Quadrature, N. Ramakrishnan and John R. Rice (96-048)
Knowledge Discovery in Computational Science: A Case Study in Algorithm Selection, N. Ramakrishnan and John R. Rice (96-081)
A Last Word on Pattern Frequency Occurences In A Markovian Sequence?, Mireille Régnier and Wojciech Szpankowski (96-043)
On The Approximate Pattern Occurrences in a Text, Mireille Régnier and Wojciech Szpankowski (96-083)
Computational Science as One Driving Force for All Aspects of Computing Research, John R. Rice (96-026)
Scalable Scientific Software Libraries and Problem Solving Environments, John R. Rice (96-001)
What is an Answer? An essay on the Theory of Functions, John R. Rice (96-035)
Parametric Kinematic Tolerance Analysis of Planar Mechanisms, Elisha Sacks and Leo Joskowicz (96-023)
Analysis of a Denial of Service Attack on TCP, Christoph L. Schuba, Ivan Krsul, Markus G. Huhn, Aurobindo Sundaram, and Eugene H. Spafford (96-073)
A Scheduling Expert Advisor for the Bond Environment, Mihai G. Sirbu and Dan C. Marinescu (96-045)
Bond- A Parallel Virtual Environment, Mihai G. Sirbu and Dan C. Marinescu (96-010)
McCogen, A C Code Generator from Mathematica Language, Chang-Hyeon Song (96-054)
On asymptotics of Certain Recurrences Arising in Multi-Alphabet Universal Coding, Wojciech Szpankowski (96-086)
Techniques of the Average Case Analysis of Algorithms, Wojciech Szpankowski (96-064)
A Performance Monitoring Environment and its Use for the Study of Paging and I/O Activity of Parallel Programs, Kuei Yu Wang and Dan C. Marinescu (96-014)
Dynamic Scheduling of Process Groups, Kuei Yu Wang, Dan C. Marinescu, and Octavian F. Carbunar (96-030)
Dynamic Scheduling of Process Groups, Kuei Yu Wang, Dan C. Marinescu, and Octavian F. Carbunar (96-084)
Multi-pass Transmission Policy: An Effective method of transmitting large multimedia objects in the wide-area network, Sheng-Yih Wang and Bharat Bhargava (96-057)
The Purdue PSE Kernel: Towards a Kernel for Building PSEs, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice, Ann C. Catlin, Margaret G. Gaitatzes, Shahani Markus, and Tzveten T. Drashansky (96-082)
Web//ELLPACK: A Networked Computing Service on the World Wide Web, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice, Margaret G. Gaitatzes, and Shahani Markus (96-011)
Submissions from 1995
Inverse Pattern Matching, Amihood Amir, Alberto Apostolico, and Moshe Lewenstein (95-077)
An Evaluation of Transmitting Compressed Images in a Wide Area Network, Melliyal Annamalai and Bharat Bhargava (95-064)
Sequence Alignment in Molecular Biology, Alberto Apostolico and Raffaele Fiancarlo (95-075)
Pattern Matching Image Compression: Algorithmic and Empirical Results, Mikhail J. Atallah, Yann Génin, and Wojciech Szpankowski (95-083)
On the Solution of the Convection-Diffusion Equation by Iteration, George Avdelas and Apostolos Hadjidimos (95-035)
Adaptive Reconstruction of Surfaces and Scalar Fields from Dense Scattered Trivariate Data, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Fasuto Bernardini, and Guoliang Xu (95-028)
Distributed and Collaborative Synthetic Environments, Chandrajit L. Bajaj and Fausto Bernardini (95-059)
Arbitrary Topology Shape Reconstruction from Planar Cross Sections, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Edward J. Coyle, and Kwun-Nan Lin (95-027)
Splines and Geometric Modeling, Chandrajit L. Bajaj and Susan Evans (95-056)
Rational Parametrizations of Real Cubic Surfaces, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Robert J. Holt, and Arun N. Netravali (95-031)
Error-bounded Reduction of Triangle Meshes with Multivariate Data, Chandrajit L. Bajaj and Daniel R. Schikore (95-034)
Brokered Collaborative Infrastructure for CSCW, Chandrajit Bajaj, Peinan Zhang, and Alok R. Chaturvedi (95-001)
Implementing Signatures for C++, Gerald Baumgartner and Vincent R. Russo (95-025)
Proceedings of the MSPLS Spring '95 Workshop, Gerald Baumgartner and Vincent R. Russo (95-057)
Signatures: A Language Extension for Improving Type Abstraction and Subtype Polymorphism in C++, Gerald Baumgartner and Vincent R. Russo (95-051)
A Pyramid Approach to Stereo Coorespondence, Piper L. Canfield and Anupam Joshi (95-007)
An Architecture for A Camputs-Scale Wireless Mobile Internet, Douglas E. Comer, John c. Lin, and Vincent F. Russo (95-058)
Active Defense of a Computer System using Autonomous Agents, Mark Crosbie and Eugene H. Spafford (95-008)
Defending a Computer System Using Autonomous Agents, Mark Crosbie and Eugene H. Spafford (95-022)
SciAgents--An Agent Based Environment for Distributed, Cooperative Scientific Computing, Tzvetan T. Drashansky, Anupam Joshi, and John R. Rice (95-029)
WWW//PDEPACK A Web Based Problem Solving Environment for Partial Differential Equations, W. R. Dyksen, Elias N. Houstis, and John R. Rice (95-063)
An Efficient and Reliable Reservation Algorithm for Mobile Transactions, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Jin Jing, and Omran Bukhres (95-018)
Partitioned Data Management in Mobile Environments, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Jin Jing, Abdelsalam Helal, and Rafael Alonso (95-080)
On the Distribution for the Duration of a Randomized Leader Electron Algorithm, James Allen Fill, Hosam M. Mahmoud, and Wojciech Szpankowski (95-038)
A Greedy Algorithm for the Shortest Common Superstring is Asymptotically Optimal, Alan Frieze and Wojciech Szpankowski (95-052)
On Pattern Occurrences in a Random Text, Ioannis Fudos, Evaggelia Pitoura, and Wojciech Szpankowski (95-020)
Optimal p-Cyclic SOR for Complex Spectra, S. Galanis, A. Hadjidimos, and D. Noutsos (95-074)
A Performance Study of Method Execution Alternatives in a Distributed Object Database System, Shalab Goel and Bharat Bhargava (95-037)
S-to-P Broadcasting on Coarse-Grained Machines, Susanne E. Hambrusch, Ashfaq A. Khokhar, and Yi Liu (95-060)
Lightweight Write Detection and Checkpointing for Fine-Grained Persistence, Antony L. Hosking and J. Eliot B. Moss (95-084)
Parallel ELLPACK Elliptic PDE Solvers, Elias N. Houstis, S. B. Kim, S. Markus, P. Wu, N. E. Houstis, and S. Weerawarana (95-042)
MPSE: Multidisciplinary Problem Solving Environments, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice, Anupam Joshi, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Elisha Sacks, Nien-Hwa Linda Wang, Christos Takoudis, Ahmed Sameh, and Efstratios Gallopoulos (95-047)
Bit-Sequences: A New Cache Invalidation Method in Mobile Environments, Jin Jing, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Abdelsalam Helal, and Rafael Alonso (95-076)
To Learn or Not to Learn ...., Anupam Joshi (95-021)
On Learning and Adaptation in Multiagent Systems: A Scientific Computing Perspective, Anupam Joshi, Tzvetan Drashansky, John R. Rice, Sanjiva Weerawarana, and Elias N. Houstis (95-040)
Ideas for Telelearning: WWW, Virtual Classroom & Cyberversity, Anupam Joshi, Elias N. Houstis, Sanjiva Weerawarana, and Mikhail Attallah (95-023)
A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Agglomerative Clustering, Anupam Joshi, Narendran Ramakrishnan, John R. Rice, and Elias N. Houstis (95-066)
Neural and Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches to Support ``Intelligent'' Scientific Problem Solving, Anupam Joshi, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Narendran Ramakrishnan, Elias N. Houstis, and John R. Rice (95-039)
A Survey of Mobile Computing Technologies and Applications, Anupam Joshi, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ranjeewa A. Weerashighe, Tzvetan T. Drashansky, and Narendran Ramakrishnan (95-050)
Kenematic Tolerance Analysis, Leo Joskowicz, Elisha Sacks, and Vijay Srinivasan (95-079)
Multi-Parameterized Schwarz Alternating Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, S. B. Kim, A. Hadjidimos, Elias N. Houstis, and John R. Rice (95-005)
Concurrent and Fail-Safe Replicated Simulations on Heterogeneous Networks: An Introduction to EcliPSE, Felipe Knop, Edward Mascarenhas, Vernon J. Rego, and V. S. Sunderam (95-014)
A Software Architecture to Support Misuse Intrusion Detection, Sandeep Kumar and Eugene H. Spafford (95-009)
Building High Performance Communication Services for Digital Libraries, Shunge Li, Jin Huai, and Bharat Bhargava (95-036)
Data Replication in Distributed Database Systems over Large Number of Sites, Xiangning Liu and Bharat K. Bhargava (95-055)
Experimental Study of TCP and UDP Protocols for Future Distributed Databases, Xiangning Liu, Lebin Cheng, Bharat Bhargava, and Zhiyuan Zhao (95-046)
Adapting Distributed Database Systems for High Availability, Xiangning Liu, Evaggelia Pitoura, and Bharat Bhargava (95-013)
Effective Strategies for Multi-Media Message Transmission: UDP Cooling and TCP, Xiangning Sean Liu, Lebin Cheng, and Bharat Bhargava (95-067)
Multi-view Access Protcols for Large-Scale Replication, Xiangning (Sean) Liu, Abdelsalam (Sumi) Helal, and Bharat K. Bhargava (95-072)
On the Average Redundancy Rate of the Lempel-Ziv Code, Guy Louchard and Wojciech Szpankowski (95-049)
Ariadne: Architecture of a Portable Threads system supporting Mobile Processes, Edward Mascarenhas and Vernon Rego (95-017)
Migrant Threads on Process Farms: Parallel Programming with Ariadne*, Edward Mascarenhas and Vernon Rego (95-081)
DISplay - A Visualization and User Interaction Interface for Parallel Simulation Environments, Edward Mascarenhas and Vernon J. Rego (95-016)
Decompositions of the Identity and the Construction of Smooth Surfaces, Jörg Peters (95-030)
Blending Basic Implicit Shapes Using Trivariate Box Splines, Jörg Peters and Michael Wittman (95-070)
Consistent and Recoverable Agent-Based Access to Heterogeneous Mobile Databases, Evaggelia Pitoura and Bharat Bhargava (95-011)
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems for Intelligent Scientific Computation, Narendran Ramakrishnan, Anupam Joshi, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Elias N. Houstis, and John R. Rice (95-026)
A Simple Solver for Linear Equations Containing Nonlinear Operators, Norman Ramsey (95-069)
Relocating Machine Instructions by Currying, Norman Ramsey (95-068)
The New Jersey Machine-Code Toolkit, Norman Ramsey and Mary F. FernáYesndez (95-082)
Complexity of Sequential Pattern Matching Algorithms, Mireille Régnier and Wojciech Szpankowski (95-071)
Frequency of Pattern Occurences in a (DNA) Sequence, Mireille Régnier and Wojciech Szpankowski (95-053)
Computational Science and the Future of Computing Research, John R. Rice (95-045)
Sliced Configuration Spaces for Curved Planar Bodies, Elisha Sacks and Chandrajit Bajaj (95-078)
Decimation of 2D Scalar Data with Error Control, Daniel R. Schikore and Chandrajit L. Bajaj (95-004)
Classical IP and ARP over ATM, Christoph L. Schuba, Berry Kercheval, and Eugene H. Spafford (95-024)
On Asymptotics of Certain Sums Arising in in Coding Theory, Wojciech Szpankowski (95-019)
Characterization of the Paging Activity of NAS Benchmark Programs on the Intel Paragon, Kuei Yu Wang and Dan C. Marinescu (95-015)
//ELLPACK: A System for Simulating Partial Differential Equations, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Elias N. Houstis, Ann C. Catlin, and John R. Rice (95-043)
PYTHIA: A Knowledge Based System for Intelligent Scientific Computing, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice, Anupam Joshi, and Catherine E. Houstis (95-044)
Parallel Adaptive Mesh Generation and Decomposition, Poting Wu and Elias N. Houstis (95-012)
Parallel Electronic Prototyping of Physical Objects, Poting Wu and Elias N. Houstis (95-054)
Regular Algebraic Curve Segments (I)- Definitions and Characteristics, Guoliang Xu and Changrajit L. Bajaj (95-061)