Issue 24.1 (March 2022)
special Issue: Periodizing the Present: The 2020s, The Longue Durée, and Contemporary Culture
Ed. Treasa De Loughry and Brittany Murray
Thematic Cluster
Periodizing the Present: The 2020s, the Longue Durée, & Contemporary Culture
Treasa De Loughry and Brittany Murray
Conjunctures, Commodities, and Social State Marxism
Stephen Shapiro
Kazuo Ishiguro and the Service Economy
Kate Montague
Biopolitics in the Twenty-first Century: India and the Pandemic
_ Swatie and Rashee Mehra
A Case of Pandemic Narrative and the End of Post-Cold War
Yongbing Jin and Penghan Zhang
Periodizing the Residuality of a Composite Protest Art Form: The Case of Telangana Dhoom Dham
Vamshi Vemireddy and Sasi Kiran R. Mallam
BreadTube Rising: How Modern Creators Use Cultural Formats to Spread Countercultural Ideology
JJ Sylvia IV and Kyle Moody
Beyond ‘Rising Tides’ and ‘Lying Flat’: Emergent Cultural Practices Among Youth in Urban China
Diego Gullotta and Lili Lin
Fredric Jameson and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s Periodizing the Black Internal Colony
Jeremy Matthew Glick
Returning to the Past to Rethink Socio-Political Antagonisms: Mapping Today’s Situation in Regards to Popular Insurrections
Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Slavoj Žižek, Hernán Scholten, David Pavón-Cuellar, Gonzalo Salas, Oscar Ariel Cabeza, Jesús William Huanca Arohuanca, and Sergio J. Aguilar Alcalá