Purdue e-Pubs - Charleston Library Conference: MIT Press Direct and University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection: First Year Lessons Learned and Future Prospects




In 2019, MIT Press and University of Michigan Press launched their own ebook collections for direct sale to libraries. Nearly a year has gone by. In that year, three basic truths have emerged and continue to guide them on this journey:

1. Establish Principles - Our principles must be our central reference point. We must innovate by taking a “values-based” approach not just a solely “value-based” selection process.

2. Embrace Exploration, Agility and Humility - We are perpetual searchers and seekers, always novices and beginners. Transformation comes from discovering the right questions more than having the right answers.

2. Take Action - We cannot think ourselves into new ways of acting, rather we act ourselves into a new way of thinking. Impactful change will only happen when we take risks, focus on people, and shift from monologue to dialogue when engaging with the communities we serve.

How did they come to these truths? What are the prospects for each of their individual endeavors? Why should libraries care? In this paper, representatives of the two presses will tell their respective stories about this last year’s adventures. We they share why they chose to work directly with libraries, what they expected after launching their new collections, as well as divulge what reality actually dealt them.



MIT Press Direct and University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection: First Year Lessons Learned and Future Prospects

In 2019, MIT Press and University of Michigan Press launched their own ebook collections for direct sale to libraries. Nearly a year has gone by. In that year, three basic truths have emerged and continue to guide them on this journey:

1. Establish Principles - Our principles must be our central reference point. We must innovate by taking a “values-based” approach not just a solely “value-based” selection process.

2. Embrace Exploration, Agility and Humility - We are perpetual searchers and seekers, always novices and beginners. Transformation comes from discovering the right questions more than having the right answers.

2. Take Action - We cannot think ourselves into new ways of acting, rather we act ourselves into a new way of thinking. Impactful change will only happen when we take risks, focus on people, and shift from monologue to dialogue when engaging with the communities we serve.

How did they come to these truths? What are the prospects for each of their individual endeavors? Why should libraries care? In this paper, representatives of the two presses will tell their respective stories about this last year’s adventures. We they share why they chose to work directly with libraries, what they expected after launching their new collections, as well as divulge what reality actually dealt them.