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Michael Levine-Clark, University of Denver |
R David Lankes, University of South Carolina |
Hyde Park Debate Resolved: APC-Funded Open Access Is Antithetical to the Values of Librarianship Rick Anderson, University of Utah |
Is a Gold Open Access World Viable for Research Universities? Greg Tananbaum, ScholarNext |
Libraries as Convener, Enabler, Distributor, Advocate, and Archive in the Future Knowledge Economy James G. Neal, Columbia University |
Reimagining Our World at Planetary Scale: The Big Data Future of Our Libraries Kalev Leetaru, Georgetown University |
The Devil Is in the Details: Challenges of Collaborative Collecting Judith Russell, University of Florida |
Mitchell Davis, BiblioLabs |
Ann Okerson, CRL |
Bill Hannay, Schiff Hardin LLP |
Update on Industry Trends and Issues Gary Price, InfoDOCKET |
Who’s Faster, a Pirate or a Librarian? Adam Chesler, AIP Publishing |
Working in Partnership to Support Quality Research Jayne Marks, Wolters Kluwer |
Anja Smit, University Library Utrecht |