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Access to Freely Available Journal Articles: Gold, Green, and Rogue Open Access Across the Disciplines

Michael Levine-Clark, University of Denver
John McDonald, University of Southern California
Jason Price, SCELC Library Consortium

Building the Knowledge School

R David Lankes, University of South Carolina

Hyde Park Debate Resolved: APC-Funded Open Access Is Antithetical to the Values of Librarianship

Rick Anderson, University of Utah
Alison Scott, University of California, Riverside
Michael Levine-Clark, University of Denver

Is a Gold Open Access World Viable for Research Universities?

Greg Tananbaum, ScholarNext
Carol Tenopir, University of Tennessee, Knoxville & Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Ivy Anderson, California Digital Library

Libraries as Convener, Enabler, Distributor, Advocate, and Archive in the Future Knowledge Economy

James G. Neal, Columbia University

Reimagining Our World at Planetary Scale: The Big Data Future of Our Libraries

Kalev Leetaru, Georgetown University

The Devil Is in the Details: Challenges of Collaborative Collecting

Judith Russell, University of Florida

The Evolution of E-Books

Mitchell Davis, BiblioLabs
David Durant, East Carolina University
James O'Donnell, Arizona State University

The Long Arm of the Law

Ann Okerson, CRL
Mark Seeley, Elsevier
Bill Hannay, Schiff-Hardin LLP

The Long Arm of the Law

Bill Hannay, Schiff Hardin LLP

Update on Industry Trends and Issues

Gary Price, InfoDOCKET
Rick Anderson, University of Utah
Maria Bonn, University of Illinois

Who’s Faster, a Pirate or a Librarian?

Adam Chesler, AIP Publishing
Scott Ahlberg, Reprints Desk
Carolyn Caffrey Gardner, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Georgios Papadopoulos, Atypon
Heather Wilson, Caltech

Working in Partnership to Support Quality Research

Jayne Marks, Wolters Kluwer

You Can’t Preserve What You Don’t Have—Or Can You? Libraries as Infrastructure for Perpetual Access to Intellectual Output

Anja Smit, University Library Utrecht