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Alma in the Cloud: Implementation Through the Eyes of Acquisitions

Denise Branch, Virginia Commonwealth University

An Alternative Mechanism for the Delivery of Scholarly Journal Articles: ReadCube Access at the University of Utah

Phill Jones, Labtiva, Inc.
Mark M. England, University of Utah

Awash in E-Journal Data: What It Is, Where It Is, and What Can Be Done with It (Is It “Too Much” or “Not Enough?”)

David P. Brennan, Penn State University
Nancy J. Butkovich, Penn State University

Contemplating E-Scores: Open Ruminations on the E-Score, the Patron, the Library, and the Publisher

Lisa Hooper, Tulane University

Excelling with Excel: Advanced Excel Functions for Collection Analysis

Denise Pan, University of Colorado Denver
Gabrielle Wiersma, University of Colorado Boulder

Experiencing “iPads for All”: Results from a Library-Wide Mobile Technology Program

Michelle Armstrong, Boise State University
Peggy S. Cooper, Boise State University

From Digits to Diagrams: Using Infographics to Inform Database Retention and Cancellation Decisions

Calida A. Barboza, Ithaca College

Publishers and Libraries: Sharing Metadata Between Communities

Michelle Durocher, Harvard University

Using Augmented Reality as a Discovery Tool

Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, College of Charleston
Jerry M. Spiller, Art Institute of Charleston