Amidst more and more publisher content, research tools, and library systems, interoperability—how things work together (for instance, a link resolver and a discovery service, or a data service and a discovery service)—has tremendous implications for workflows for librarians and, ultimately, researchers. With a focus on discoverability, representatives from the library, vendor, and publisher sectors describe their perspectives on cross-sector collaborations and opportunities with a common aim of proactively continuing to refine/improve the researcher experience. Moderated by Mary Somerville from the University of Colorado, Denver, this presentation highlighted perspectives from all three sectors including Maria Collins from North Carolina State University Libraries presenting the library perspective, Nicole Pelsinsky from Serials Solutions presenting from the vendor perspective, and Aaron Wood from Alexander Street Press with the publisher perspective.
Working Better Together: Library, Publisher, and Vendor Perspectives
Amidst more and more publisher content, research tools, and library systems, interoperability—how things work together (for instance, a link resolver and a discovery service, or a data service and a discovery service)—has tremendous implications for workflows for librarians and, ultimately, researchers. With a focus on discoverability, representatives from the library, vendor, and publisher sectors describe their perspectives on cross-sector collaborations and opportunities with a common aim of proactively continuing to refine/improve the researcher experience. Moderated by Mary Somerville from the University of Colorado, Denver, this presentation highlighted perspectives from all three sectors including Maria Collins from North Carolina State University Libraries presenting the library perspective, Nicole Pelsinsky from Serials Solutions presenting from the vendor perspective, and Aaron Wood from Alexander Street Press with the publisher perspective.