The University of Colorado Boulder Libraries participated in one of the first patron‐driven acquisition initiatives offered by netLibrary in the late 1990s. One outcome of this patron‐driven pilot was the banana books incident which has now become part of popular collection development lore. This incident will be described more fully and will highlight the difficulties of establishing demand‐driven models that are divorced from an institution’s approval plans. More recently, the University of Colorado has taken the lessons learned from the banana books snafu and has developed institution specific solutions for patron selection and use of e‐books. This paper will discuss strategies for integrating e‐books into subject and publisher based approval profiles with Ingram‐Coutts and the My iLibrary platform. The paper will also address the complexities of customizing 70 profiles that are a combination of print, e‐preferred, e‐patron‐driven with Coutts and 30 selectors.
Patron‐Driven E‐book Solutions: Moving Beyond the Banana Books Incident
The University of Colorado Boulder Libraries participated in one of the first patron‐driven acquisition initiatives offered by netLibrary in the late 1990s. One outcome of this patron‐driven pilot was the banana books incident which has now become part of popular collection development lore. This incident will be described more fully and will highlight the difficulties of establishing demand‐driven models that are divorced from an institution’s approval plans. More recently, the University of Colorado has taken the lessons learned from the banana books snafu and has developed institution specific solutions for patron selection and use of e‐books. This paper will discuss strategies for integrating e‐books into subject and publisher based approval profiles with Ingram‐Coutts and the My iLibrary platform. The paper will also address the complexities of customizing 70 profiles that are a combination of print, e‐preferred, e‐patron‐driven with Coutts and 30 selectors.