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Academic Libraries Without Print

Allen McKiel, Western Oregon University
Jim Dooley, University of California Merced
Robert Murdock, Brigham Young University
Carol Zsulya, Cleveland State University

Coping with the Short Goodbye: Handling Unanticipated Change

Elisabeth Knight, Western Kentucky University
Nancy Richey, Western Kentucky University
Roxanne Spencer, Western Kentucky University

From My Library to Our Library: Changing a Culture in Tough Times

Robert Alan, Penn State University
Lisa German, Penn State University

Getting to Go: Strategic Use of External Expertise in Leveraging Change

Alison Nussbaumer, University of Lethbridge
Wendy Merkley, University of Lethbridge
Brenda Mathenia, University of Lethbridge

Jumping into the New Waters of Librarian Promotion and Appointment: How We Dove in and Survived

Bridget Euliano, Duquesne University
Carmel Yurochko, Duquesne University

The "Get It" Department: Oregon State University's Strategic Realignment of Collection Services

Faye A. Chadwell, Oregon State University
Jane Nichols, Oregon State University