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Blogs, Wikis, and Drives Oh-my! Achieving Knowledge Management for Acquisitions & collection Development with Web 2.0 Technologies

Denise Pan, University of Colorado, Denver
Yem Fong, University of Colorado, Boulder

Collegiality Matters: How Do We Work With Others?

Shin Freedman, Framingham State College

Communication and Collection Accountability through Clusters: Case Studies from Two Institutions

Carla Lee, University of Virginia
Meris Mandernach, James Madison University

Growing Your Own: Developing New Acquisitions and Collection Development Librarians From Within

Jennifer Arnold, Central Piedmont Community College

How 'Necessity' Has Changed the Way Acquisitions in Done at One Academic Library

Shelley Hawrychuk, The University of Toronto

How Are We Doing? Implementing Acquisitions Metrics in Pursuit of Improved Service

Cheri Duncan, James Madison University

It Takes a Village to Raise an E-Journal: Collaboration through Necessity

Wendy West, University at Albany
Katherine Latal, University at Albany

The Out-of-Print Book Market and the Theft of Library Materials

Robert P. Holley, Wayne State University

Tracking Electronic Resource Acquisitions: Using a Helpdesk System to Succeed Where Your ERMS Failed

Xan Reed, Stanford University
Jason Price, Claremont College

Transformation Change: The 9th Annual Health Science Lively Lunch

Ramune K. Kubilius, Northwestern University
Pat Thibodeau, Duke University
Meg White, Rittenhouse Book Distributors

Weeding with a Repurpose

Michael Crumpton, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Mary Krautter, University of North Carolina-Greensboro