Interposed abdominal compression (IAC)-CPR includes all steps of standard external CPR with the addition of manual mid-abdominal compressions in counterpoint to the rhythm of chest compressions. IAC-CPR can increase blood flow during CPR about two fold compared to standard CPR without IAC, as shown by multiple studies in computer and animal models. The technique increases the rate return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) for in-hospital resuscitations from roughly 25% to 50%. Improved survival to discharge is demonstrated in two in-hospital trials. IAC as an adjunct technique is quickly taught and is less complex than most other basic life support maneuvers. A thorough review of published evidence suggests that IAC-CPR, initiated early in the resuscitation protocol, is a safe and effective means to increase organ perfusion and survival, when performed by professionally trained responders in a hospital.
Abdomen; Cardiac Arrest; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; Meta-analysis; Review
Date of this Version
Recommended Citation
Babbs, Charles F., "The Case for Interposed Abdominal Compression CPR in Hospital Settings" (2013). Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty Publications. Paper 51.
This is the author accepted manuscript of Babbs, CF, The Case for Interposed Abdominal Compression CPR in Hospital Settings, Analgesia & Resuscitation: Current Research, 3:1, 2013. Copyright SciTechnol, the version of record is available at https://www.scitechnol.com/the-case-for-interposed-abdominal-compression-cpr-in-hospital-settings-LIpX.php?article_id=1763.