
Companies performing building disaster restoration services wish to position themselves to continue to create substantial value for their clients. Doing so demands that restoration professionals be well educated in pertinent subject matter. Professional certification procedures commonly examine the pertinent subject matter that a professional should know. The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) created the Certified Restorer® (CR) credential to meet this need in the industry that the organization serves. To help ensure that their certification process examines the correct topics, the RIA partnered with Purdue University researchers to survey industry members for their opinions about the importance of managerial and technical disaster restoration subjects. The 275 respondents rated these as the three most important of 29 subjects: safety and health; project cost estimating and control; and project organizational structure. Besides the importance of each topic, statistical analysis showed that professional certification type was the characteristic most frequently associated with significant differences in ratings of subject importance (α = 0.10 level).


This is the author-accepted manuscript of Randy R. Rapp D.Mgt, PE, CCE, CPC, AIC & Jing Pan (2010) Disaster Restoration Professional Body of Knowledge, International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 6:3, 202-218, DOI: 10.1080/15578771.2010.507620.


Disaster Restoration, Reconstruction, Professional Body of Knowledge

Date of this Version


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Figure 1

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Table 1

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Table 2

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Table 3

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Table 4
