Front Matter
Issues, News, & Goings On
If Rumors Were Horses
Katina Strauch
From Your Editor
Katina Strauch
Letters to the Editor
Katina Strauch
The Ant, the University Press, and the Librarian
Patrick H. Alexander
Three Challenges of Pubrarianship
Charles Watkinson
From University Press to the University's Press
Gary Dunham and Carolyn Walters
How We Pay for Publishing
Kevin S. Hawkins
A Library Publishing Manifesto
Paul Royster
Op Ed -- Opinions and Editorials
Matthew Goddard
Back Talk: Library School: Is it Where You Get Your "Union Card" or is it Like Youth, Wasted on the Young?
Tony Ferguson
ATG Special Report: Workflow Collaboration at the American University Library
Stacey Marien and Alayne Mundt
ATG Special Report: ATG Luminaries Comment on Open Access
Elizabeth Lightfoot
ATG Interviews
ATG Interviews: Audrey Powers, Associate Librarian, University of Florida
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
ATG Interviews: Peter Shepherd, Retiring Director, COUNTER Online Metric
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
Blurring Lines -- A Post-Charleston Interview on the Future of the Library with Stanley Wilder, Dean of Libraries, Louisiana State University
Katina Strauch and Tom Gilson
Profiles Encouraged
Booklover: Synchronicity
Donna Jacobs
Book Reviews: Monographic Musings
Debbie Vaughn
Collecting to the Core: Arabic Resources in Translation: The History of al-Tabart
Anne Doherty and Meryle Gaston
Legal Issues
Cases of Note: Sometimes It's Not a Federal Action #2
Bruce Strauch, Bryan M. Carson, and Jack Montgomery
Questions and Answers: Copyright Column
Laura Gassaway
From a University Press: Opening Pandora's (Cable) Box
Leila Salisbury
And They Were There: Reports of Meetings
Sever Bordeianu
Bookselling and Vending
Biz of Acq: Increasing Access to eBooks at Central Connecticut State University
Michelle Flinchbaugh and Dana Hanford
Little Red Herrings: The Coming Bubble Bust
Mark Y. Herring
Analyze This: Usage and Your Collection
Sarah Hickman Auger and Kathleen McEvoy
Changing Library Operations: Open Access Policies
Allen McKiel and Jim Dooley
Both Sides Now: Vendors and Librarians
Michael Gruenberg
Technology and Standards
At Brunning: People and Technology: At the Only Edge that Means Anything/How We Understand What we Do
Dennis Brunning
Pelikan's Antidisambiguation: "There's an Echo in this room"
Michael P. Pelikan
Decoder Ring -- Comic Book Markup Language
Jerry Spiller