Purdue e-Pubs - ASEE IL-IN Section Conference: (POSTER) Combining Design and Entrepreneurial Mindset Development: Motorcycle Detection System




motorcycle, detection, design


The Motorcycle Detection System will detect and warn drivers of motorcycles driving between lanes at high speeds on the interstate. Its main function would be to significantly reduce the frequency of motorcycle-car accidents on the road. Similar to the blind spot detectors that can be found on many modern cars, the motorcycle detector would minimize the number of accidents and deaths caused by motorcycles lane-splitting. By alerting drivers of motorcycles within a 50 feet radius, motorists would be able to make calculated decisions on the road that they otherwise would not contemplate.

Through rigorous market exploration, the team deduced that the minimum viable product must be weatherproof, universally mountable and provide timely visual and auditory feedback. The device would be effective, durable, and most importantly, affordable, as the team believes it has massive international potential. The design project provides our engineering team the opportunity to combine design with entrepreneurial mindset development.

ASEE_Poster2019_FINAL.pdf (6595 kB)
ASEE 2019 Poster

Included in

Engineering Commons



(POSTER) Combining Design and Entrepreneurial Mindset Development: Motorcycle Detection System

The Motorcycle Detection System will detect and warn drivers of motorcycles driving between lanes at high speeds on the interstate. Its main function would be to significantly reduce the frequency of motorcycle-car accidents on the road. Similar to the blind spot detectors that can be found on many modern cars, the motorcycle detector would minimize the number of accidents and deaths caused by motorcycles lane-splitting. By alerting drivers of motorcycles within a 50 feet radius, motorists would be able to make calculated decisions on the road that they otherwise would not contemplate.

Through rigorous market exploration, the team deduced that the minimum viable product must be weatherproof, universally mountable and provide timely visual and auditory feedback. The device would be effective, durable, and most importantly, affordable, as the team believes it has massive international potential. The design project provides our engineering team the opportunity to combine design with entrepreneurial mindset development.