"On-Line Technology Information System (OTIS)" by Julie A. Levri, Richard Boulanger et al.


An overview of OTIS which is an on-line database of TIF’s for all ALS Elements (Air, Water, Waste, Food, Crops, Thermal). This was a Guest Lecture.




13 slides

Document Provider Notes: Seminar Title: Introduction to the ESM Guidelines Document and the On-Line Technology Information System; Date: 3/12/2003; Time: 10:30 AM; Location: Stewart Center Rm 202.

Comments: This seminar will cover two areas of interest for the ALS NSCORT: the Equivalent System Mass Guidelines Document, which is newly drafted by members of the ALS Systems Integration, Modeling, and Analysis Group, and the On-Line Technology Information System (OTIS), which is currently under development at NASA Ames Research Center. The ESM Guidelines Document provides an unambiguous definition of ESM, describes how to calculate ESM, and discusses interpretation of ESM results. The document provides guidelines for performing an ESM evaluation for trade study purposes and is designed to provide detailed instructive material for researchers who are performing ESM evaluations for the first time. A draft of the ESM Guidelines Document will be released to the community for critique on February 20th, two weeks prior to the discussion of the document at the March 6th ALS Technical Interchange Meeting. In addition to introducing the document to NSCORT researchers, the March 13th presentation at Purdue is intended to be a catalyst for feedback on the quality and clarity of the document. The OTIS is being developed to collect detailed technology data from currently funded ALS researchers and make that information available to others in the ALS community. Ultimately, the OTIS database may consist of technology data for all of the ALS elements. However, the Solid Waste Management technology information form is the first one to be developed into the OTIS. Once completed, the information contained in OTIS can be accessed either by searching the database for particular field values, or by downloading entire forms for a particular technology. The OTIS may be used by managers to track technology development progress and make funding decisions, by analysts to obtain detailed technology information for trade studies, by designers for test-bed planning, and other ALS researchers for general research and idea development. Julie Levri is a Systems Analyst at NASA Ames Research Center, working in the Advanced Life Support Program. She has a B.E. in Civil Engineering from Vanderbilt University and an M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of New Mexico. She is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, where she participated in the New Jersey ALS NSCORT from 1997 to 2000. She served as a contractor for NASA Ames Research Center in 1999, working under Dr. Cory Finn on energy integration methods for system power reduction. She participated in student co-op tours with Ames Research Center and Johnson Space Center in 2000, and joined the Civil Service at Ames in 2001.

Document Provided By:

Systems Analysis and Integration Focus Area

Project Lead

Julia Hains-Allen; Joseph Pekny

Date of this Version

March 2003

ALS NSCORT Project Number

Project 16 - Education; Project 15 - Simulation Based Optimization Approach to Model and Design an Advanced Life Support System.


PDF version 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x)



Project Administrator

Dave Kotterman, dkotter@purdue.edu


Internal Documents: Seminars




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