A Risk-Based Vulnerability Approach for Rangeland Management
Mark Nearing
Mariano Hernandez, USDA-ARS
Fred Pierson, USDA-ARS
Jason Williams, USDA-ARS
Ken Spaeth, USDA-NRCS
Mark Weltz, USDA-ARS
Droughts in Southern Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil: Understanding the Last 100 Years
L. Darrell Norton, USDA/ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory
Carlos R. Mello, Universidade Federal de Lavras
Marcelo R. Viola, Universidade Federal de Lavras
Gilberrto Coelho, Universidade Federal de Lavras
Determination of Land Productivity Dynamic Trend for Land Degradation in Two Adjacent Micro Catchments
Orhan Dengiz, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey
Soil erosion under climate change – a high-resolution projection on catchment scale until 2100
Anne Routschek, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Juergen Schmidt, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Frank Kreienkamp, DWD
Potential release of macronutrients and C sequestration of different land use systems in the Peruvian Amazon
Julio C. Alegre, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Effect of EU's Common Agricultural Policies on erosion and soil organic carbon balance, Italy.
Pasquale Borrelli, Joint Research Centre - EU
Keith Paustian
Panos Panagos
Arwyn Jones
Brigitta Schütt
Emanuele Lugato
Payment for Watershed Services: It’s Possible, but for which Conservation Policy on Fresh Water and Ecosystem Services?
Alexandre R.C. Andrade Silva, Federal University of Goias, Brazil
Francis L. Ribeiro, Federal University of Goias, Brazil
Acceleration of wind erosion on the Tibetan Plateau due to future climate change
Benli Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jianjun Qu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
A New Approach of Using Multiple Composite Fingerprints to Apportion Sediment Sources
John Zhang
Initial selection of forest species for the rehabilitation of soils disturbed by petroleum extractions in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Jaime Villacis, Departmento de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE), Sangolquí, Ecuador
Cristina Armas, Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas, CSIC,. Almería, Spain
Susana Hang, School of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, CC 509, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina
Fernando Casanoves, Biometric Unit, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica
Management of Drylands: Lessons Learned
Donald Maurice Gabriels, Ghent University Belgium
Deyanira Lobo, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Estimation of Soil Erosion using Fallout Radionuclide Cs-137 Technique
Akram Teshyevich Teshayev, Samarkand Agricultural Institute
Shaymonkul Halmanovich Hushmurodov, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan
Muhtor Gaffarovich Nasyrov, Samarkand, State, University
Resizing Plots and Terrace Spacing in Sugarcane Areas
Max Well de Oliveira Rabelo, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás
Nori Paulo Griebeler, Universidade Federal de Goiás
Nilson Clementino Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Goias
Duck Powered Organic Rice and Duck Value Chain Development for Sustainable Food Production, Environmental Protection and Inclusive Growth in the Philippines
Jose Apollo Y. Pacamalan, Rice-Duck Movement
Effect of Vegetated Buffer Strips on Flow Hydraulics and Sediment Deposition and Delivery
Bofu Yu, Griffith University
Impact of sampling approach and hydraulic topsoil properties on soil erosion estimates by the fallout radionuclide 7Be
Nick Ryken, Department of Soil Management, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Bashar Al-Barri, Department of Soil Management, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Will Blake, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University, UK
Alex Taylor, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University, UK
Pascal Boeckx, Department of Applied Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Ann Verdoodt, Department of Soil Management, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Application of Different Indicators for Assessment of Dynamic Soil Erosion Rates within the Russian Plain during Recent Decades
Valentin Golosov, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation
Relationships between Tillage Systems associated with Previous Crops and Effects on Corn Productivity in 14 years of Long-term Experiments in Northeastern Brazil
Alceu Pedrotti, Department of Agricultural Engineering the Federal University of Sergipe - Brazil
Thaisa Menezes M Silva MSc, Prodema UFS
Richard Matos Souza MSC, DEA-UFS
Ezio S. Pinto Jr., DEA-UFS
Sara Julliane Ribeiro Assunção MSc, Prodema - UFS
Eloy Antonio Pauletto DSc, FAEM-UFPel
Impacts of Agricultural Use on Organic Matter of Histosols in the Cerrado in the north of Minas Gerais State, Brazil
Alceu Pedrotti, Department of Agricultural Engineering the Federal University of Sergipe - Brazil
Bruno Gomes Cunha MSc, Prodema-UFS e Incra-Se.
Carlos Ernesto Schaefer DSc, UFV
Aspects of Agro-Environmental Sustainability in the Perimeter Irrigated Piauí in Lagarto (Sergipe State) Northeastern Brazil
Alceu Pedrotti, Department of Agricultural Engineering the Federal University of Sergipe - Brazil
Ana Paula Silva Santana MSc, Prodema - UFS
Soil Quality in Riparian Areas of the Cerrado Biome as Affected by Deforestation Followed by Citrus Cultivation
Alfredo De-Campos, University of Campinas
Caleb C. Lin, University of Campinas
Marcio H.C. Zancope
Absorption of Copper from Oxisols by Brachiaria decumbens Roots
Alfredo De-Campos, University of Campinas
Cleiton M. Sousa, Instituto Federal Goiano
Ilmo C. Silva, Universidade Federal de Goiás
Cleonice Rocha, Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás
Reducing Energy Costs for the Pasteurization of Corn and Wheat Straw Bales for Producing Mushrooms in Mexico with a Solar Oven made with Recycled Materials
Israel Ruiz-Gonzalez, Universidad Anahuac Queretaro
Jonathan Dominguez-Aldana, Universidad Anahuac Queretaro
Effects of Conservation Practices on Phosphorus Loss Reduction from an Indiana Agricultural Watershed
Qingyu Feng, Agricultural & Biological Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Indirect methods of estimating Leaf Area Index (LAI) in broadcast-seeded paddy rice fields
Nebiye Musaoglu, Istanbul Technical University
Esra Erten, Istanbul Technical University
Dynamics of aggregate stability under drying and wetting cycles for yellow soil in China
Bin Wang, Beijing Forestry University
Impact of Tillage Management on Aeolian Sediment Transport: A Multi-Source Regression Analysis Using Effective Plant Cover (EPC) factor
Amin Nouri, Ankara University
Gunay Erpul, Ankara University
Research Progress on Conservation Tillage Project in Guangdong, China
Yinggang Ou, South China Agricultural University
Effects of rainfall regime and its character indices on soil loss at loessial hillslope with ephemeral gully
Ximeng Xu
Fenli Zheng
Yong Han
Active stage Gully Morphological Characteristics in the Loess Hilly-gully Region Based on 3D Laser Scanning Technique
Chao Qin
Fenli Zheng
Ximeng Xu
Hongyan Wu
Trends and variability of daily temperature extremes during 1960–2012 in the Yangtze River Basin, China
Fenli Zheng
Yinghui Guan
Xunchang Zhang
A laboratory study on rill network development and morphological characteristics
Fenli Zheng
Chao Qin
Ximeng Xu
Conservation of aquaculture wastewater and nutrients through vegetable crop production
Teng Yang, Purdue University
Hye-Ji Kim 4960122, Purdue University
Rebuilding Soil Health with Forest Industry Residuals
Xiaojun Zhao, Purdue University
Lori A. Hoagland, Purdue University
Short-term Effects of Biochar Addition on Nitrification, Ammonia Oxidizer and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Two Acid Red Soils
Xu Zhao, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Agronomic and Environmental Effects of Reducing P Fertilization for Four-Year Rice-Wheat Rotation Field Experiment in the Taihu Lake Region of Southern China
Shenqiang Wang
Effects of crop management system on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) diversity, and its influence on soybean tolerance to water stress
Lisseth Zubieta, Purdue University
Lori Hoagland, Purdue University
National University of Colombia
Climate change interactions with agriculture, forestry sequestration, and food security
Luis M. Pena-Levano, PhD candidate
Farzad Taheripour, Purdue University
Wallace E. Tyner, Purdue University
Using nutrient data and dye tracing to assess subsurface connectivity and contaminant transfer patterns in Grayson-Gunnar Cave, Monticello, KY.
Gilles Tagne, Ball State University
Lee Florea, Ball State University
Evaluation of a Combined Reservoir Tillage System for Soil and Water Conservation in Rainfed Farming Land
Leandro Velazquez-Luna, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico
Relational analysis of aggregate size distributions and soil organic carbons of the eroded sediments
Gunay Erpul, Ankara University
Selen Deviren Saygın, Ankara University
Comparison of Land Suitability for Three Different Irrigation Methods Determined through a Parametric Approach
Orhan Dengiz
Andulmuttalip Efendi
Impacts of Stone Bunds on Soil Loss and Surface Runoff: A Case Study from Gumara Maksegnit Watershed, Northern Ethiopia
Andreas Klik, BOKU University Vienna
Stefanie Wakolbinger, BOKU University
Eva Maria Obereder, BOKU University
Stefan Strohmeier, ICARDA, Jordan
Nigus Demelash Melaku, BOKU University
Investigation of the Impact of Stone Bunds on Erosion and Deposition Processes Combining Conventional and Tracer Methodology in the Gumara Maksegnit Watershed, Northern Highlands of Ethiopia
Andreas Klik, BOKU University Vienna
Eva Maria Obereder, BOKU University
Characterization of cover crops for use in olive groves and vineyards in certified systems under Mediterranean conditions
Jose A. Gomez, Insitute for Sustainable Agriculture. IAS-CSIC
Iron oxides as tools to assess water erosion processes
Jose A. Gomez, Insitute for Sustainable Agriculture. IAS-CSIC
Use of conceptual water balance model to explore the impact of different soil management on water availability in olives and vineyards under different climate conditions
Jose A. Gomez, Insitute for Sustainable Agriculture. IAS-CSIC
Utilization of Water Resources and Sustainable Crop Production
Hasan S. Öztürk, Ankara University
Engin Yurtseven, Ankara University
Mustafa Yıldız, Ankara University
Ahmet Öztürk, Ankara University
Sevba Yılmaz, Ankara University
Solubility and Plant Availability of Nutrients as Affected by FGD Gypsum and Glyphosate Application Under Different Redox Conditions
L. Darrell Norton, Purdue University
Blind Inlets as Conservation Practices to Improve Water Quality
Javier M. Gonzalez, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Douglas R. Smith, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Stanley J. Livingston, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Sand Detachment with Shallow Asymmetric Corona Formation under Well-Developed Lateral Jets of Wind-Driven Raindrop Impacts
Donald Gabriels, Ghent University
Gunay Erpul, Ankara University
Caglar Sagun, Ankara University
Melis Ozge Pinar, Ankara University, MoFAL-TZARI
Wim Cornelius, Ghent University
Hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on phosphorus export from western Lake Erie tributaries
Mark R. Williams, USDA-ARS
Kevin W. King, USDA-ARS
David B. Baker, Heidelberg University
Laura T. Johnson, Heidelberg University
Douglas R. Smith, USDA-ARS
Norm R. Fausey, USDA-ARS
Long-Term Watershed Monitoring - Do's and Don'ts
Stanley J. Livingston, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Regeneration of Valuable Materials from Poultry Farm Wastes
Atila Caglar, Kastamonu University
Bahattin Aydinli, Kastamonu University
Sefa Pekol, Kastamonu University
The Ecological Awareness Imparted by Civil Foundation for Sustainable Environment
Bahattin Aydinli, Kastamonu University
Çağrı Avan, Ministry of Education of Turkey
Sefa Pekol, Kastamonu University
Atila Caglar, Kastamonu University
Effects Of Land Use Change On Soil Erosion In Small Watershed Of Loess Hilly Region, China
Yafeng Wang, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science CAS, Beijing, China
The Influence of Land Use Projection Uncertainty on Flow and Sediment Estimations: A Case Study from the Mekong Basin
Thomas A. Cochrane, university of canterbury
Bikesh Shrestha, University of Canterbury
Quantifying Water Savings with Windbreaks
Thomas A. Cochrane, university of canterbury
Tonny T. de Vries, university of canterbury
Eric Kilaka, university of canterbury
Jenny Webster-Brown, university of canterbury
Climate-smart Soil Fertility Improvement Techniques Increase Grain Yield in the Ethiopian Highlands
Gebreyohannes Girmay Woldetensai, Mekelle University
Sediment and radiocesium runoff after Fukushima accident
Kazutoshi Osawa, Utsunomiya University
Programs to resolve agricultural and water quality issues - the Kiwi perspective
Thomas A. Cochrane, university of canterbury
Impact of Vetch Cover Crop on Runoff, Soil Loss, Soil Chemical Properties and Yield of Chickpea in North Gondar, Ethiopia
Andreas Klik, BOKU University Vienna
Nigus Demelash Melaku, BOKU University
Variability of Sediment-fixed Nutrient Export from a Micro-Watershed in Northern Ethiopia
Gebreyohannes Girmay Woldetensai, Mekelle University
Pedotransfer functions for estimations of soil moisture retention and hydro-limits: The case of Abreha Atsbeha in northern Ethiopia
Gebreyohannes Girmay Woldetensai, Mekelle University
Mulugeta Sebhatleab Tesfay
Tesfay Berihu Gebremichael
Effects of potential land use changes on runoff and soil loss under subtropical conditions
Jamil Alexandre Ayach Anache, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Manoel C.M. Cabrera, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Cristian P.M. Youlton, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
Paulo T.S. Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
Mayra Ishizuka, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Edson C. Wendland, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Dennis C. Flanagan, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, West Lafayette, IN, USA
The Attitudes on Sustainable Solid Waste Recycling for Environmental Education Policy
Sefa Pekol, Kastamonu University
Yunus Alboga, MEM Turkey
Bahattin Aydinli, Kastamonu University
Atila Caglar, Kastamonu University
Comparison of Growth Curves and Seasonality Parameters of Main Field crops in a High Elevation Mountain Area based on TIMESAT Program
Xia Zhao, Qinghai Normal University
Qinghai Normal University
Remote Sensing Monitoring Center of Eco-environmental in Qinghai Province
Effects of Droughts on Two Indiana River Basins’ Water Quality and Quantity
Nina Omani, Purdue University
Indrajeet Chaubey, Purdue University
Development of a Landscape Unit Delineation Framework to assess Water Transfers across Landscape Units using SWAT
Hendrik Rathjens, Purdue University
Katrin Bieger, Blackland Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M AgriLife
Indrajeet Chaubey, Purdue University
Jeffrey G. Arnold, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory
Peter M. Allen, Baylor University
Raghavan Srinivasan, Texas A&M University
David D. Bosch, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory
Martin Volk, Centre for Environmental Research -UFZ
Removal of Boron from Well Waters for Irrigation of Agricultural Lands
Eusebio Jr Ventura, University of Queretaro
Impact of Climate Change on WEPP Runoff and Soil Loss Predictions in Iowa
Nayereh Ghazanfarpour
Deposited sediment source fingerprinting in a tropical environment
John N. Quinton, Lancaster University
Barbara Maher, Lancaster University
Alona Armstrong, Lancaster University
Applying Hyporheic Exchange Transient Storage Concept to Quantify Sediment Transport Processes on the Landscape
Chi-hua Huang
Sayjro Nouwakpo
Zhaoxia Li
Velocity of Simulated Raindrops in a Wind Tunnel Measured by Different Technologies
Pedro Luiz Terra Lima, Universidade Federal de Lavras
Matheus de Figueiredo Braga Colares, Universidade Federal de Lavras
Luiz Antonio Lima, Universidade Federal de Lavras
Lis Lemos, Universidade Federal de Lavras
Nick Riken, Ghent University
Ann Verdoodt, Ghent University
Automated Testing of WEPP Web Services
Jim Frankenberger, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Norm Widman, USDA-NRCS
Joel Poore, USDA-NRCS
Dennis C. Flanagan, USDA-ARS NSERL
Quantifying the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Trends in Extreme Weather for Great Lakes Agriculture
Natalie Chin, Purdue University
Sediment fingerprinting in nested watersheds cropped to eucalyptus
José M. Reichert Professor, Federal University of Santa Maria
Scaling of Livestock Heat Stress with Global Mean Surface Temperature Change
Jonathan R. Buzan, University of New Hampshire
Matthew Huber, University of New Hampshire
Future Heat Stress Projections and their Effects on US Livestock
Emma C. McCabe, University of New Hampshire
Jonathan Buzan, University of New Hampshire, Durham
Srinath Krishnan, Yale University
Matthew Huber, University of New Hampshire, Durham
Can the cohesive strength meter be used to estimate critical shear stress of an agricultural and prairie soil?
Edward P. Boswell, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Anita M. Thompson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nick J. Balster, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rapid Response Tools and Datasets for Hydrological Modeling
Mary E. Miller, Michigan Technological University
William J. Elliot, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Application of the WEPP Model to Simulate the Water Balance of a Forested Watershed, Interior US Pacific Northwest
Anurag Srivastava, Purdue University
Geochemistry of Soil Solution and Canal Waters in Plinthosols under Irrigation by Flooding
Alfredo De-Campos, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Marcio H.C. Zancope, Universidade Federal de Goias
Bianca Marcuz, University of Campinas
Fernando K. Afonso, University of Campinas
Gustavo S. Paulo, University of Campinas
Jeruza L. Carvalho, University of Campinas
Marcela R. Moretti, University of Campinas
Natalia B. Silva, University of Campinas
Grey Water Treatment with Constructed Wetlands for Backyard Crops Irrigation
Marcela S. Duhne-Ramírez, University of Queretaro
Eusebio Jr Ventura, University of Queretaro
Israel Ruiz-Gonzalez, Universidad Anahuac Queretaro
The Soil Conditioning Index Model Service
Jack R. Carlson
Climate Change and Bioenergy Crop Production Impacts on Watershed Sustainability
Cibin Raj, Purdue University - Main Campus
Indrajeet Chaubey, Purdue University
Sylvie M. Brouder, Purdue
Laura Bowling, Purdue University
Keith A. Cherkauer, Purdue
Jane Frankenberger, Purdue University
Reuben R. Goforth, Purdue University
Benjamin Gramig, Purdue University
Jeffrey J. Volenec, Purdue University
A Mirrored Telematics-SCADA System using Global System for Mobile Communications and Short Message Service
Cesar Isaza, Universidad Politecnica de Queretaro
Karina Anaya, Universidad Politecnica de Queretaro
Jonny Zavala de Paz, Uiversidad Politecnica de Queretaro
Salvador Francisco Acuña, Universidad Politecnica de Queretaro
Evaluation of Electrical Conductivity as a Surrogate for Solute Concentration in Tracer Injection Experiments
Isis S P Chagas, Purdue University
Chi-hua Huang, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory
Laura C. Bowling, Purdue University
Estimating Phosphorus Removal by Steel Slag in a Flume Injection Experiment
Isis S P Chagas, Purdue University
Chi-hua Huang, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory (ARS-USDA)
Laura C. Bowling, Purdue University
Douglas R. Smith, Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory (ARS-USDA)
Cover crops, soil health, and resiliency
Eileen J. Kladivko, Purdue University
USDA-NRCS WEPP Implementation Project
Dennis C. Flanagan, Purdue University
Norman L. Widman, USDA-NRCS
Jim Frankenberger, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Joel K. Poore, USDA-NRCS
Cropping System, Agroecological Zone, and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Effect on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Biodiesel Feedstock Production
Ashley Hammac, USDA-ARS NSERL
Bill Pan, Washington State University
Rich Koenig, Washington State University
Ann-Marie Fortuna
Brian Lamb, Washington State University
John Reganold, Washington State University
CLIGEN Database Update and Its Effects on Soil Erosion Estimations Using the WEPP Model
Josept D. Revuelta-Acosta, Purdue University
2016 WEPS Release Update
Larry E. Wagner, USDA Agricultural Research Service
Effect of Cover Crops and Nitrogen Application Timing on Nutrient Loading through Subsurface Drainage
Shalamar Armstrong, Purdue University
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality Loads in the Beasley Lake Watershed, MS
Lindsey Yasarer, USDA-ARS
The Investigation of Various Aspects of Sustainable Environmental Behavior
Kadir Karatekin, Kastamonu University
Bahattin Aydınlı, Kastamonu university
The Daily Erosion Project: An Overview and Summary
Brian Keith Gelder, Iowa State University
Richard M. Cruse, Iowa State University
David E. James, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Daryl Herzmann, Iowa State University
Predicting Future Changes of Rainfall Erosivity and Hillslope Erosion across South-East Australia
Xihua Yang
Producing more rice with less greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields
Weijian Zhang, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China
Dahai Guan, Rural Energy and Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China
Improving Sorghum Productivity in Waterlogged Vertisols in North Gondar, Ethiopia
Andreas Klik, BOKU University Vienna
Nigus Demelash Melaku
Regional soil erosion assessment based on field survey and geostatistics
Shuiqing Yin, Beijing Normal University
Towards Quantitative Real Time Tracing of Soils and Sediment: Using Fluorescent Soil Particles and Image Analysis
John N. Quinton, Lancaster University
Mitigating the Transfer of Sediment and Pollutants from Soils to Water
John N. Quinton, Lancaster University
Wind and Water Erosion Processes and their Interactions
Gunay Erpul, Ankara University
Comparison of Detachment Rates from Purple and Loess Soil Rills
Xiaoyan Chen, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Yuhan Huang, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Banglin Luo, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Linqiao Din, Southwest University, Chongqing, China