
STEW 279

Session Number


Session Title

Innovation Through Adaptability: Navigating Project Complexities

Track Title

Project Management/Planning

Event Description/Abstract

The US 31 and 236th Street Interchange project presented a number of challenges related to environmental coordination and mitigation, real estate acquisition, and public involvement. The project was able to not only construct a dual-roundabout interchange at 236th Street, but also successfully mitigated wetland and floodway impacts with on-site mitigation and by relocating a historic farmhouse and barn.


Mar 13th, 3:00 PM Mar 13th, 3:50 PM

Innovation Through Adaptability: Navigating Project Complexities Spanning Natural Resources, Cultural Resources, Public Involvement, and More

STEW 279

The US 31 and 236th Street Interchange project presented a number of challenges related to environmental coordination and mitigation, real estate acquisition, and public involvement. The project was able to not only construct a dual-roundabout interchange at 236th Street, but also successfully mitigated wetland and floodway impacts with on-site mitigation and by relocating a historic farmhouse and barn.