
STEW 206

Session Number


Session Title

Burnout: How to Spot It and Take Action

Track Title

Human Capital/Leadership

Event Description/Abstract

Every project’s goal is to meet or exceed scope, schedule, and budget. However, despite excellent project management, employee burnout can hinder this objective. Burnout causes employees to lose focus, make mistakes, and take longer to finish tasks. Burnout is also terrible for your short and long-term well-being. This presentation will identify early indicators of burnout and offer a recovery plan that can help employees recover from burnout and prevent it from occurring again.


Mar 13th, 8:00 AM Mar 13th, 8:50 AM

Burnout: How to Spot It and Take Action

STEW 206

Every project’s goal is to meet or exceed scope, schedule, and budget. However, despite excellent project management, employee burnout can hinder this objective. Burnout causes employees to lose focus, make mistakes, and take longer to finish tasks. Burnout is also terrible for your short and long-term well-being. This presentation will identify early indicators of burnout and offer a recovery plan that can help employees recover from burnout and prevent it from occurring again.