International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference | School of Mechanical Engineering | Purdue University

The International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference covers a wide range of topics of interest to researchers and engineers involved in the development of technology improvements and/or assessments of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. In 2010, proceedings for this conference included 156 papers from authors all over the world. For 2012, we are soliciting papers on topics ranging from fundamental to applied, including heat transfer and fluid flow fundamentals, alternative refrigerants and working fluids, modeling of components and systems, heat exchanger enhancements and characterizations, controls, diagnostics, domestic, commercial and industrial refrigeration, heat pumps, transport refrigeration and air conditioning.”


Proceedings from 2024


Impact of Composition Adjustment on the performance of a Water-Ammonia High-Temperature Heat Pump, Shahzaib Abbasi, Elias Vieren, Kenny Couvreur, Steven Lecompte, and Alessia Arteconi


Thermal System Simulation Analysis of R452A Refrigeration System and Possible Refrigerant Alternatives, Nicolas Ablanque, Santiago Torras, Carles Oliet, Joaquim Rigola, Jesus Castro, Joan Vila, and Santiago Martinez


Effect of Thermophysical Properties on Wall Superheat at Onset of Nucleate Boiling, Shota Akai, Kota Nakagawa, Katsumi Sugimoto, and Hitoshi Asano


Improving Heat Pump System Performance Using a Novel Frost/Defrost Model, Imran Alam, Nicholas Tobin, Andy Leonard, Mihail Spasov, and Mayank Khichar


Experimental Study of a Vapor-liquid Ejector Performance for Compressor Oil Pumping, Md Muntasir Alam, Nenad Miljkovic, and Stefan Elbel


Optimization and Experimental Validation of Annular Finned PCM-HX for a Domestic Hot Water Heater Application, Tanjebul Alam, Jangho Yang, James Tancabel, Jan Muehlbauer, Yunho Hwang, and Vikrant Aute


Grid Independent High Efficiency Heating System for Buildings, Sandeep Alavandi, Hamid Abbasi, David Cygan, John Wagner, Joseph Pondo, and Vitaliy Gnatenko


Development of Defrost Controller Platform for Commercial Rooftop Heat Pump Units, Julfikar Ali, Rana Siddharth, Aaron Alexander, and Christian K. Bach


The Compatibility studies of the Building Blocks of Refrigerant Blends with Lubricants and Components of the Automotive AC System Materials Applications, Rusul Alrubaay, Chris Seeton, and Ira Saxena


Integrating Steady State and Dynamic Simulations for The Design of Heat Pump Vapor Compression Cycle Systems, Joseph Araoz and Moritz Hubel


Enhancing Defrost Efficiency in Refrigeration Systems through Adaptive Defrosting Indicators, Jaruwat Arunwon and Nutsanun Jeenpetch


Evaluation of Flow, Heat Transfer, and Phase Change Characteristics in Microchannel Condensers using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Simulations, Katherine J. Asztalos, Muhsin Ameen, Ameya Waikar, and David Rowinski


Comparison and Evaluation of Injector structures for Air Conditioning systems in Electric Cars, Joerg Aurich and Rico Baumgart


Sizing and Control Design of Solar Thermal Absorption Refrigeration for Horticultural Cold Storage in Hot-Humid Climates, Prabir Barooah, Jie Cai, and Tapan Gogoi


Investigation of Rotary Piston and Swing Compressor Concepts with Medium Pressure Injection for Electrified Vehicles, Rico Baumgart, Joerg Aurich, Frank Hohmann, and Rico Resch


SAFT-Based Refrigerant Property Models Accounting For Polarity, Ian Bell


Non-Condensable Gases at Low Concentrations in a High-Temperature Heat Pump Operating with R-1336mzz(Z), Leon Philipp Martin Brendel, Noah Luechinger, Cordin Arpagaus, and Stefan S. Bertsch


Towards Efficient and Cost-Effective Heating and Cooling through Single-Split Air Conditioners as Hybrid Solutions in Existing Buildings, Katharina Theresa Breuer, Christian Vering, and Dirk Muller


On the Effectiveness of Brazed-Type Capillary Tube Suction Line Heat Exchangers Running with Isobutane, Pedro Bruggemann, Gabriel Podgaietsky, Kaitlyn Palermo, Elizabeth Wohlers, Joshua Julius, Anderson Bortoletto, and Christian Hermes


Mitigation of Safety and Environmental Challenges Posed by Low and Ultra-low GWP Refrigerants, Praveen Cheekatamarla, Vishaldeep Sharma, Brian Fricke, and Samuel Yana Motta


Energy Efficiency Improvement Approaches in Ice Related Processes, Praveen Cheekatamarla and Hongbin Sun


A Novel Frost Growth Model Incorporated with Ice Propagation Using CFD Method, Jiong Chen, Young Joon Park, and Sophie Wang


Defrost Model with Frost Distribution on Surface Considered, Jiong Chen, Ke Tang, and Sophie Wang


Thermodynamic Analysis of Cascade Vacuum Pump Based Membrane Dehumidifier in Air Conditioning System, Seong-Yong Cheon, Hye-Jin Cho, Jae-Hee Lee, Sang-Hwan Park, and Jae-Weon Jeong


Numerical Analysis and Optimization of a Bladeless Turbine for Refrigeration Cycles, Sai Kiran Chikatimarla, Paul Lemke, Bernard Killingbeck, Eckhard A. Groll, Haotian Liu, and James Braun


Preliminary Test on Moisture Transfer of Flat Sheet Membrane-based Dehumidification System, Hye-Jin Cho, Seong-Yong Cheon, Soo-Jin Lee, and Jae-Weon Jeong


Effects Of Metal Foam Heat Sink For The Immersion Battery Cooling System, Hongseok Choi and Hoseong Lee


Automatic Construction of an Efficient Air Conditioner Using GraPHsep Method, Mengdi Cui, Baolong Wang, Yuzheng Ying, and Falin Wei


Impact of Temperature Glide on Heat Exchanger Sizing for Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerant Blends, Bobby Dean, Charles Allgood, and Andrew Pansulla


Modeling and Experimental Analysis of Interlaced Hot Glycol Defrost System, Harun Denizli, Burhan Yoruk, and Mustafa Zabun


Uncertainty Quantification Approach for Dynamic Load-Based Testing, Parveen Dhillon, Dohyeon Kim, W. Travis Horton, and James E. Braun


A Generic Modeling Framework For Duty Cycle Simulations Of Transport Refrigeration Units, Rohit Dhumane and Matt Stinson


Evaluating the Impact of Electrification on Emissions in Refrigerated Transport, Rohit Dhumane, Matt Stinson, and Robert Srichai


Heat Pumps with Integrated Thermochemical Energy Storage for Electricity Load Levelling, Allannah Duffy, Alper Saygin, and Srinivas Garimella


Parametric Study of a Variable Refrigerant Flow Air Conditioner with Two Evaporators, Thiago Dutra, Jonathan Maceda Silveira, Rogerio Gomes de Oliveira, and Ernane Silva


Estimating Carryover Parameters of a Non-wicking Random Weave Fabric with Applications to Liquid Desiccant Systems, Dylan Fallows, Michael Muller, and Todd Rossi


Performance Comparison of a Residential Split-System Heat Pump Powered on AC versus DC Power, Aaron Harron Patrick Farha, Davide Ziviani, Kevin James Kircher, and Eckhard A. Groll


Energy-saving Control Method of NH3-CO2 Cascade Refrigeration System Driven by a Hybrid Mechanism-based and Data-based Approach, Yiwei Feng, Chuang Wang, Shengli Qu, Yanpeng Li, Dawe Ren, and Ziwen Xing


Examination of Droplet Mobility and Critical Air Velocity on Slippery Liquid Infused Porous Surfaces with a Linear Wettability Gradient, Sarah Freeman and Andrew Sommers


Benchmark testing of two Household refrigerators using R600a, Zhiming Gao, Philip Boudreaux, Mingkan Zhang, Yanfei Li, Pengtao Wang, Kashif Nawaz, and Brian Fricke


Experimental Study of Frost Formation and Various Defrosting Techniques on a Microchannel Evaporator in a Real Reversible Air Source Heat Pump System, Dalia Ghaddar, Kaushik Chettiar, Syed Angkan Haider, Jiazheng Liu, Kalyan Boyina, and Nenad Miljkovic


Effects of Splitter Placement on Fin-Tube Heat Exchanger Evaporator Performance, Matin Ghadiri, Christian K. Bach, and Craig R. Bradshaw


An Extensive Analytical DOE-Based Dimensionless Performance Comparison Of Plain, Wavy And Louvered Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers, Felipe Rivabem Gimenez, Sandro Tavares Conceição, and Guilherme Borges Ribeiro


Performance Comparison of a Centrifugal Shipboard Chiller using R-134a and a Low-Global Warming Potential Replacement, Patrick Gresh-Sill, Florin Iancu, and Brian M. Fronk


Flammability Of 2L Refrigerants And Blends At Increasing Elevations., David Grundy, Adam Newbould, and Chris Seeton


Refining Equation Of State Models For Refrigerant Mixtures Around The Critical Temperature Of One Component., David Grundy, Clare Skae, Chris Seeton, and Bob Low


Studying The Solidification Process Of Salt Hydrates Via X-ray Computed Tomography, Dario Guarda, Jorge Martinez-Garcia, Benjamin Fenk, Damian Gwerder, Anastasia Stamatiou, Jurg Worlitschek, Simone Mancin, and Philipp Schuetz


Exergy, Environmental, and Economic Analyses of Solar-Powered Dedicated Mechanical Subcooling Refrigeration in Hot Climates, Anes Guedour, Ammar Bahman, and Osama Ibrahim


Rigorous Feature Selection of the Virtual Refrigerant Charge Sensor for Variable-Speed Heat Pumps, Fangzhou Guo, Donghun Kim, Philani Hlanze, and Jie Cai


Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of R410A in Microchannel Exchangers: Development of Experimental Facility, Luyao Guo, Yi Chen, Xiaojie Lin, and Long Huang


Modeling of Flashing Flows at Evacuated Sampling Cylinder Entrance during Oil Circulation Ratio Measurements for a Vapor Compression System, Syed Angkan Haider, Nenad Miljkovic, and Stefan Elbel


Estimation of Oil Circulation Ratio in a Vapor Compression System using a Discharge Side Oil Separator, Syed Angkan Haider, Christopher Seeton, Nenad Miljkovic, and Stefan Elbel


Field and Lab Testing of Residential Heat Pumps to Assess Representativeness of Fixed-speed and Load-based Test Methods, Bruce Harley, Christopher Dymond, David Yuill, Gary Hamer, Jennifer McWilliams, and Yuxuan Chen


Experimental Analysis of Local Condensation and Evaporation Heat Transfer of Zeotropic Mixture in a Plate Heat Exchanger, Afnan Hasan and Akio Miyara


Development and Characterization of Nanocomposite Membranes for Next-Generation Air Dehumidification Technologies, Setareh Heidari, Ansh A. Mishra, Maria Augusta Correa Martins, Jinwoo Oh, Anand Balaraman, MD Ashiqur Rahman, Davide Ziviani, James E. Braun, and David M. Warsinger


Chemical Stability of HFO and HCO Refrigerants, Morgan Herried Leehey, Stephen Kujak, and Christopher Collins


How High Is High: What Temperatures Can We Achieve With High Temperature Heat Pumps?, Neil James Hewitt


Experimental Assessment of the Effect of Refrigerant Charge Levels on Variable-Speed Heat Pump Performances, Philani Gift Hlanze, Jie Cai, and Donghun Kim


Coupled System and Heat Exchanger Optimizations for low-GWP Refrigerant Blends, Weigang Hou, John Huby, Haotian Liu, Jinwoo Oh, Eckhard A. Groll, Riley Barta, Davide Ziviani, and James E. Braun


Numerical Investigation of High Delta-T Sensible Storage Integrated CO2 Heat Pump, Ransisi Huang, Nelson James, Eric Kozubal, and Jason Woods


Refrigerants with GWP Below 300 for Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps, Joshua Hughes, Jethro Medina, and Sunny Kalra


Experimental Investigation on Cooling performance of A Thermoelectric Freezer, Yifeng Hu, Bo Shen, Kyle R. Gluesenkamp, and Samuel F. Yana Motta


Experimental Investigation on Heating Performance of A Cold Climate Thermoelectric-Assisted Heat Pump, Yifeng Hu, Bo Shen, Kyle R. Gluesenkamp, Samuel F. Yana Motta, Sreenidhi Krishnamoorthy, and Don Shirey


Experimental Study on Flow Condensation of Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants in a Micro-fin Aluminum Tube, Yifeng Hu, Samuel F. Yana Motta, Saad A. Jajja, Cheng-Min Yang, Brian A. Fricke, and Kashif Nawaz


Insights Gained From The Experimental Testing Of A Rooftop Unit Under Frosting Conditions, Hamid Ikram, Tauseef Ismail, Rana Siddharth, Julfikar Ali, Aaron Alexander, and Christian Bach


Modeling the Effect of Non-uniform Frost Accumulation on the Performance of Heat Pump with Refrigerant side Flow Maldistribution, Tauseef Ismail, Hamid Ikram, Aaron Alexander, and Christian Bach


Experimental Investigations Of Waste Heat Utilization Of High-Temperature Heat Pump Compressors, Jaromir Jessberger, Florian Heberle, and Dieter Brueggemann


Assessment And Comparison Of The Ternary NH3-H2O-LiBr Mixture, Regarding the Binary NH3-H2O Mixture, when Used as the Working Fluid of a Small-scale Absorption Cooling System, Jose Camilo Jimenez, Vianey Ximena Martinez, Victor Hugo Gomez, and Wilfrido Rivera


Overall Environmental Impacts Comparison for Low GWP Options for Commercial Refrigeration Systems, Hongqing Jin, Kaimi Gao, Elizabet Vera Becerra, Ankit Sethi, Ryan Hulse, and Ron Vogl


Methods for Real-time Assessment of Refrigerant Charge in Residential Heat Pumps: Experimental Evaluation in Climatic Chambers, Maelle Jounay, Odile Cauret, Cedric Teuillieres, and Cong Toan Tran


Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Droplet Evaporation on Heated Surfaces: Saltwater and the Role of Marangoni Effect, Tanveer Islam Joy and Anthony M. Jacobi


Application of a Novel Three-Dimensional Structure Pulsating Heat Pipe to Relieve Internal Heat Bottlenecks in EV Batteries, Jongmin Jung and Yongseok Jeon


Experimental Study On Battery Cooling/Preheating Using Heat Pipe-assisted Hybrid Fin Under Extreme Conditions, Yongjoo Jun and Hoseong Lee


Comparison of Electrically-driven Dehumidification Technologies for Separate Sensible and Latent Cooling Systems, Ananthakrishnan K and Anurag Goyal


Experimental Investigation on Foaming Factors and Foaming Characteristics of Oil/Refrigerant Mixtures, Yuto Kato, Mitsuhiro Fukuta, Masaaki Motozawa, Satoshi Goto, and Tomohiro Takaki


Adaption of Sorption-Based Systems to Environmental Thermal Energy Harvesting, S. Kazadi, R. T. Muehleisen, C. O. Iloeje, J. Overcash, N. Stukel, and R. C. Ekyalongo


Experimental Study of Air-Side Performance of a Flat Finned Tube Heat Exchanger under Dry and Wet Conditions, Oguz Kilic and Burhan Yoruk


An Improved Thermostat Environment Emulator (TEE) for Load-based Testing, Dohyeon Kim, Parveen Dhillon, W. Travis Horton, and James E. Braun


Closed-Loop Apparatus (CLA) Design and Assessment for Load-Based Testing, Dohyeon Kim, Parveen Dhillon, Ashwin Kidambi, Travis Horton, and James E. Braun


Computational Study of Thermal Performance Enhancement in High-energy Density Data Center through Immersive Liquid Cooling, Jeebeom Kim and Hoseong Lee


Applicability Evaluation of Active Anti-Condensation Materials Using Thermoelectric Technology in Building Systems, Minseong Kim, Yong-Kwon Kang, Beom-Jun Kim, Taeyeon Kim, and Jae-Weon Jeong


Low GWP Refrigerants for Heat Pump Water Heaters, Sarah Kim, Christopher Seeton, and Robert Low


Investigation On The Effective Use Of Glide And A Suction-line Liquid-line Heat Exchanger To Improve Performance In Air Conditioning And Heat Pump, Bruno Yuji Kimura de Carvalho, Ankit Sethi, and Wissam Rached


Investigation Of Different Heat Transfer Correlations On Evaporation Within Fuel Cell Cooling Channels, Patrick Koschel, Markus Schoenheit, Mario Raddatz, Yixia Xu, and Christiane Thomas


Slanted Stages Design: A Numerical Approach to Enhancing Multiple PCMs melting in a Shell and Tube Unit, Amr Kotb and Sophie Wang


A Simultaneous Approach for Heat and Cold Production Enabled by Heat Pump and Latent Thermal Energy Storage, Xiaoxue Kou and Ruzhu Wang


Theoretical Investigation of Two-phase Cooling Cycles for Electronic Components in More-Electric Aircraft, Theresa Kramer, Marius Nozinski, Yixia Xu, Christiane Thomas, and Stephan Kabelac


Experimental Analysis and Simulation of Coils in an Air-to-Water Heat Pump Operating at Full and Part Load Conditions, Suraj Krishnamurti, Ignacio Ortega, Jaime Sieres, and Vikrant Aute


Performance Evaluation of Drain Heat Recovery Heat Exchangers for Heat Pump Water Heaters, Easwaran Krishnan, Muneeshwaran Murugan, Joe Rendall, Kashif Nawaz, and Jamieson Brechtl


Propane as a Refrigerant in Residential Heat Pumps - Potential and Challenges, Diandra Maria Kucukkaya, Max Joswig, Sami Tuffaha, Konrad Klotsche, Ullrich Hesse, Christiane Thomas, and Edgar Timm


Simultaneous Deep Dehumidification and Sub-Dew Point Cooling by Combined Sorption Dehumidification and Evaporative Cooling (CoSDEC): The Effect of Inlet Air Condition, Marco Lao, Jie Lin, Frantisek Miksik, Kyaw Thu, and Takahiko Miyazaki


Enhancing Thermodynamic Data Quality for Refrigerant Mixtures: Domain-Informed Anomaly Detection and Removal, Christopher Laughman, Vedang Deshpande, Ankush Chakrabarty, and Hongtao Qiao


An Empirical Data-Driven Model for Energy Consumption Prediction of a Heat-Pump-driven Liquid-Desiccant Air-Conditioning system, Jae-Hee Lee, Minseong Kim, Ha-Youn Cho, and Jae-Weon Jeong


Feasibility of a Mist-atomization Liquid Desiccant Dehumidifier, Soo-Jin Lee, Seheon Kim, Su-Yeon Hong, Yingdao Nan, and Jae-Weon Jeong


Performance Investigation of a Flexible Multi-evaporator Domestic Refrigerator/Freezer System With Integrated Economization, Changkuan Liang, Haotian Liu, Eckhard A. Groll, Davide Ziviani, and James E. Braun


Dynamic Simulation of An Automatic Commercial Ice Maker, Daqing Li and Suresh Shivashankar


CIL Simulation of a CO2 Booster Rack Commercial Refrigeration System, Daqing Li, Don R. Wiesmann, and Suresh Shivashankar


Modeling and Analysis of a Heat Pump Clothes Dryer with Thermal Energy Storage, Xiaoli Liu, Cheng-Min Yang, Pengtao Wang, Kashif Nawaz, Christopher Hartnett, and Troy Seay


A Dynamic Model of Refrigerator with Energy Storage for Demand Flexibility, Yanfei Li, Zhiming Gao, Philip Boudreaux, and Kashif Nawaz


Assessment of Centralized Domestic Hot Water Systems as An Electrification Option for Multi-Family Water Heating in Cold Climates, Zhenning Li, John Bush, and Kyle Gluesenkamp