
Our poster will focus on the process of creating and maintaining a technology-enabled flipped classroom to enable information. In the 2013 school year, a team of librarians in the Parrish Library for Management and Economics transformed a business information literacy course from a traditional lecture, 40-student, computer-lab class into multiple sections of a flipped, 70 student, computer-less class in order to meet the request of the department that the successful course be required for all 500 students. It may be particularly useful for instructors who have struggled with how to deliver literacy instruction uniformly across large populations (such as the 500 students) but maintain an active learning environment.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

MGMT 175: Information Strategies for Management Students (Spring 2013 Cohort)

Our poster will focus on the process of creating and maintaining a technology-enabled flipped classroom to enable information. In the 2013 school year, a team of librarians in the Parrish Library for Management and Economics transformed a business information literacy course from a traditional lecture, 40-student, computer-lab class into multiple sections of a flipped, 70 student, computer-less class in order to meet the request of the department that the successful course be required for all 500 students. It may be particularly useful for instructors who have struggled with how to deliver literacy instruction uniformly across large populations (such as the 500 students) but maintain an active learning environment.