Purdue e-Pubs - Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences: The Effect of Library Staff Training and Development on the User Experience: A Case Study at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)

Session Number



staff training, development, academic libraries, performance management process


Library staff training and development is a crucial element in ensuring positive user experiences within libraries. A staff component consistently exposed to relevant training and development interventions should not be underestimated.

This paper will explore the processes and methods used at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology Libraries (CPUT Libraries) to ensure that its staff has well planned and relevant learning opportunities and interventions. An overview of skills development in South Africa as well as policies, guidelines and procedures that inform the process will be discussed. The paper further unpack a holistic staff development approach, namely, a three year special skills plan, a performance management process including development needs, annual training plan and implementation.

Collaboration and partnerships between various stakeholders are crucial for the success and effectiveness of the implementation process, viz, university human resources learning and development (HR L & D) department, Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC), Cape Library Consortium (CALICO) and accredited training providers. It will also touch on some return on investment (ROI) strategies.

This paper will give specific examples of how these staff training interventions link to positive user experiences.

P432.pdf (3188 kB)
P432 Presentation


Jun 7th, 12:00 AM

The Effect of Library Staff Training and Development on the User Experience: A Case Study at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)

Library staff training and development is a crucial element in ensuring positive user experiences within libraries. A staff component consistently exposed to relevant training and development interventions should not be underestimated.

This paper will explore the processes and methods used at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology Libraries (CPUT Libraries) to ensure that its staff has well planned and relevant learning opportunities and interventions. An overview of skills development in South Africa as well as policies, guidelines and procedures that inform the process will be discussed. The paper further unpack a holistic staff development approach, namely, a three year special skills plan, a performance management process including development needs, annual training plan and implementation.

Collaboration and partnerships between various stakeholders are crucial for the success and effectiveness of the implementation process, viz, university human resources learning and development (HR L & D) department, Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC), Cape Library Consortium (CALICO) and accredited training providers. It will also touch on some return on investment (ROI) strategies.

This paper will give specific examples of how these staff training interventions link to positive user experiences.