
Considerable mechanistic data indicate there may be a sixth basic taste: fat. However, evidence demonstrating that the sensation of non-esterified fatty acids (the proposed stimuli for “fat taste”) differs qualitatively from other tastes is lacking. Using perceptual mapping, we demonstrate that medium and long-chain non-esterified fatty acids have a taste sensation that is distinct from other basic tastes (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter). While some overlap was observed between these NEFA and umami taste, this overlap is likely due to unfamiliarity with umami sensations rather than true similarity. Shorter chain fatty acids stimulate a sensation similar to sour, but as chain length increases this sensation changes. Fat taste oral signaling, and the different signals caused by different alkyl chain lengths, may hold implications for food product development, clinical practice, and public health policy.


This is the author accepted manuscript of Cordelia A. Running, Bruce A. Craig, Richard D. Mattes; Oleogustus: The Unique Taste of Fat, Chemical Senses, Volume 40, Issue 7, 1 September 2015, Pages 507–516. Copyright Oxford University Press, the version of record is available at DOI 10.1093/chemse/bjv036.


oleogustus, fat taste, non-esterified fatty acid taste, fatty acid structure, basic tastes

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