Date of this Version



Software Engineer, Large-scale Data Analysis, Data System, Human-Computer Interaction, Applied Machine Learning


Through research and interviews, I discovered that a significant portion of students in Africa become drug addicts and drop out of school. The solution is to prevent youth substance abuse before it happens, so that more students in Africa may continue their education. With the strong motivation of expanding African student involvement in higher education, I participated DURI program to increase higher education rates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. The local government is establishing rehabilitation centers to monitor at-risk students and prevent youth substance abuse, but due to extremely limited resources, it is critical to evaluate the underlying demand for serving students and maximize resource utilization. However, there is no data to support assessments, so our primary goal is to create a digital platform to facilitate data collection and management. I developed an Android APP to record student activity data in rehabilitation centers. I also implement a back-end with an integrated pipeline to collect data in the cloud. All these data would provide decision support, such as identifying optimal locations to offer for new rehab centers and allocating human resources with rotating teachers. During the user testing, the digital platform proved reliable functioning and is ready for usage.
