Recommended Citation
Boucher, Dana., Dave, Neeti., DeDomenic, Steven., Erickson, Stella., Frey, Kirsten., Goetz, Morgan., Gomez, Charles., Hamman, Emily., Hitch, Kevin., Jordan, Jonah., Khan, Wahaj., Larsen, Jakob., Macadaeg, Caleb., MacNeill, Justin., Mangione, Christina., Mannas, Adriene., Martin, Kristen., Myers, Madison., Patel, Rujuta., Patel, Shiv., Peterson, Brian., Roberts, Kaitlyn., Sanders, Zachary., Shah, Devin., White, Ryley., Wozniak, Kirsten., Wright, Lindsay., Zigan, Clarisse., Zommers, Justan. "Challenges Faced by Persons with Disabilities Using Self-Service Technologies". (2021). Undergraduate Coursework Paper 3.
Date of this Version
Accessibility, self-service technologies, disability
Foreseeable game changing solutions to SSTs will allow for better universal access by better implementing features that are easy and intuitive to use from the inception. Additional robotic advancements will allow for better and easier delivery of goods for consumers. Improvements to artificial intelligence will allow for better communication through natural language and alternative forms of communication. Furthermore, artificial intelligence will aid consumers at SSTs by remembering the consumers preferences and needs. With all foreseeable game changing solutions people with disabilities will be consulted when new and improved SSTs are being developed allowing for the SST to maximize its potential.
IE 49000/BME 49500: Grand Challenges in Accessibility Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA