
There is currently no forensically sound method for analyzing the Motorola Xoom tablet. The purpose of this research is to determine whether a forensically sound method can be developed for the Motorola Xoom tablet running the Ice Cream Sandwich Android operating system. This research is important for investigators as the more forensically sound method offers greater protection relating to an individual’s privacy rights. Furthermore, tablets are a relatively new form of digital devices that are rising quickly in the public. This research sets the groundwork for investigating tablets in a forensically sound manner. The tablet is used in such a way as to emulate the real use of such a device. Sources of evidence such as images, web browsing, WiFi information and email accounts are used as test objects. The research minimizes manual user interaction, delivers an outline of what can be acquired and the forensic integrity of such items upon recovery, and the reason for any changes to the device. Furthermore, this research presents questions for further research relating to the topic.

Date of this Version



Computer and Information Technology

Month of Graduation



Master Of Science

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Marcus Rogers

Advisor 2

Jeffrey Whitten

Advisor 3

Eric Matson
