
This research examines the possibility for a computer to adapt its interface and its settings to the current environment, through the notion of situations and corresponding profiles. These situations are group of context elements and tasks or activities performed in that operating conditions, such as the activities conducted at the workplace or the relaxation time at home. The profiles are set of configuration values for the computer, such as the network services. Adapting the computer serves the user as it takes care of putting his computer in the right mode to be efficient in the activity performed. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this adaption, a prototype is implemented, using a context analysis and the activation of corresponding settings.


situation-awareness, context-awareness

Date of this Version



Computer and Information Technology

Department Head

Jeffrey Brewer

Month of Graduation



Master of Science

Head of Graduate Program

Jeffrey Whitten

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Eric Matson

Advisor 2

Eric Dietz

Committee Member 1

Brandeis Marshall
