The field of Cyber Forensics is still in its early stages of development. There are many
possibilities for conducting research to progress the field, but not everyone knows what
they are. This study sought to identify the general needs of the field’s practitioners
and discover any prevailing issues preventing the Cyber Forensic field from
maintaining or establishing validity in its procedures, software, and expert witnesses.
This study took volunteers from universities that offer a cyber forensic program and
each state’s Law Enforcement cyber crime units. All participants were given three
rounds of questions in order to discover the issues of the field. From these questions,
lists of categorized issues were generated. The top issues were chosen from each
category, as well as the top ten issues overall.
Cyber Forensics, Academic, Law Enforcement, Research, Cyber Forensic Expert
Date of this Version
Computer and Information Technology
Department Head
Jeffery Brewer
Month of Graduation
Master of Science
Head of Graduate Program
Marcus Rogers
Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee
Marcus Rogers
Committee Member 1
Eric Matson
Committee Member 2
J. Eric Dietz
If you would like to contact the author, please email: ripbergerresearch@gmail.com.