
Energy efficiency and sustainability are very popular topics in the current field of manufacturing. With the increase in use of automation technology as well as the recent growth in the area of energy management, there is much focus on the overall improvement of manufacturing processes. For this research a project was completed to create a system that could improve both process efficiency as well as decrease energy consumption. By taking a look at the machine level energy consumption of an automated piece of manufacturing equipment, by eliminating waste in process, both energy efficiency and operational efficiency can be improved.

Using electrical specifications from a Hurco Hawk 5M 3-axis CNC machine, an electrical cabinet was built to take the signals off the machine and output them to a LabVIEW DAQ Module. A program created in LabVIEW was designed to analyze power waveform signals and determine the state of operation of a machine. Then, total power consumption and cost of energy at the different states was calculated and displayed in a fashion that would be usable by an operator or a manager to make informed decisions on how to improve the process.


Energy Monitoring, Automation

Date of this Version



Mechanical Engineering Technology

Month of Graduation



Master of Technology

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Brad Harriger

Advisor 2

Henry Kraebber

Advisor 3

Donal McHale
