
This study explored the use of newer techniques to create a custom data acquisition system for horticultural purposes. Common horticultural lab equipment was used to measure environmental variables within a plant growth chamber, known as a cuvette. The cuvette was used to test various combinations of growing conditions and plant crops to gather data on the most feasible scheme for astronauts to remain in space in perpetuity. The lab equipment was networked to a common personal computer running custom software. The software developed is a multithreaded program making use of the Microsoft .Net framework. It periodically gathers and charts data from the horticulture lab equipment, saves the data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and disseminates the data via the Internet.


Data Acquisition System, Cuvette, .NET Framework, Multithreading, Microsoft Excel

Date of this Version



Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology

Department Head

Robert J. Herrick

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ASHS Figure Permission

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Photosynthetica Figure Permission

Month of Graduation


Year of Graduation



Master of Science

Head of Graduate Program

Gary Bertoline

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Jeffrey Honchell

Advisor 2

Cary Mitchell

Advisor 3

Neal Widmer

Committee Member 1

Jeffrey Honchell

Committee Member 2

Cary Mitchell

Committee Member 3

Neal Widmer
