Using a massively parallel finite-element code, we perform an ensemble of 3D Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) in which polycrystalline microstructures are embedded throughout a macroscale structure. A crystal-plasticity model is used to model the material response at the grain scale. The largest simulations model 400,000 grains within a macroscale structure using 35 million finite elements and 1000 processors. The DNS results are compared with corresponding simulations based on the governing equations and material properties obtained from first-order homogenization theory. Evidence is sought for any higher-order effects due to a finite microstructure, including surface effects. The example material is stainless steel 304L which possesses an austenitic (FCC) microstructure. For this material, each grain possesses a relatively large elastic anisotropy ratio, making it a seemingly ideal material to display higher-order effects. Simulations are performed in both linear and plastic regimes.
Recommended Citation
Bishop, J. (2014). Understanding material variability and the accuracy of homogenization theory in polycrystalline materials through direct numerical simulations. In A. Bajaj, P. Zavattieri, M. Koslowski, & T. Siegmund (Eds.). Proceedings of the Society of Engineering Science 51st Annual Technical Meeting, October 1-3, 2014 , West Lafayette: Purdue University Libraries Scholarly Publishing Services, 2014.
Understanding material variability and the accuracy of homogenization theory in polycrystalline materials through direct numerical simulations
Using a massively parallel finite-element code, we perform an ensemble of 3D Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) in which polycrystalline microstructures are embedded throughout a macroscale structure. A crystal-plasticity model is used to model the material response at the grain scale. The largest simulations model 400,000 grains within a macroscale structure using 35 million finite elements and 1000 processors. The DNS results are compared with corresponding simulations based on the governing equations and material properties obtained from first-order homogenization theory. Evidence is sought for any higher-order effects due to a finite microstructure, including surface effects. The example material is stainless steel 304L which possesses an austenitic (FCC) microstructure. For this material, each grain possesses a relatively large elastic anisotropy ratio, making it a seemingly ideal material to display higher-order effects. Simulations are performed in both linear and plastic regimes.