STEW 310
Session Number
Session Title
INDOT Greenfield District Creates a Traffic Project
Track Title
Traffic Operations
Event Description/Abstract
Each year INDOT funds safety and mobility driven projects. There is yearlong internal process to identify the needs, define the problems, and plan the projects. This presentation aims at explaining this process from a district perspective and reveal our planning and funding process. We also discuss the shifting in planning philosophy and the ever-growing goal to plan and build multi-modal, self-enforcing, safe, and efficient intersections and streets.
Included in
Greenfield District Creates a Traffic Project
STEW 310
Each year INDOT funds safety and mobility driven projects. There is yearlong internal process to identify the needs, define the problems, and plan the projects. This presentation aims at explaining this process from a district perspective and reveal our planning and funding process. We also discuss the shifting in planning philosophy and the ever-growing goal to plan and build multi-modal, self-enforcing, safe, and efficient intersections and streets.