Session Number
Session Title
Traffic Ticker
Track Title
Traffic Operations
Event Description/Abstract
The Traffic Ticker is a web-based tool developed for use by INDOT to monitor interstate conditions in real-time. Based in crowdsourced probe vehicle data, it is linked to a variety of other tools to provide powerful monitoring and after action review capability. The advantages of this tool are demonstrated in case studies spanning winter operations, interstate crashes, and the I-65 N detour route in August 2015.
Included in
Traffic Ticker
The Traffic Ticker is a web-based tool developed for use by INDOT to monitor interstate conditions in real-time. Based in crowdsourced probe vehicle data, it is linked to a variety of other tools to provide powerful monitoring and after action review capability. The advantages of this tool are demonstrated in case studies spanning winter operations, interstate crashes, and the I-65 N detour route in August 2015.
Traffic Ticker link: http://its.ecn.purdue.edu/mobility/dashboards/traffic_ticker/index.html