Stewart Center 202
Session Number
Session Title
Technologies for In-Place rehabilitation of Pipes and Culverts
Track Title
Maintenance & Operations
Event Description/Abstract
One category overlooked in the 2013 ASCE Report Card was stormwa- ter drainage, and many of the metal culverts installed in the mid 20th century deserve a failing grade. Many states and municipalities have explored relining these corroding cul- verts, but there is only one option that provides greater hydraulic capacity, a new structure, and doesn’t interrupt surface traffic: jacking RCP. Explore the concepts and a case study on jacking concrete pipe to replace failing culverts.
Trenchless Pipe Replacement
Stewart Center 202
One category overlooked in the 2013 ASCE Report Card was stormwa- ter drainage, and many of the metal culverts installed in the mid 20th century deserve a failing grade. Many states and municipalities have explored relining these corroding cul- verts, but there is only one option that provides greater hydraulic capacity, a new structure, and doesn’t interrupt surface traffic: jacking RCP. Explore the concepts and a case study on jacking concrete pipe to replace failing culverts.