Opmaps is mapping and analytics toolkit for operational military history. The toolkit employs statistical analysis to create operational datamaps, which present processes, trends, and developments in time and space. It connects quantities, such military forces, firepower, or civilians impacted, statistically with the narratives, which will be used for historical analysis and teaching. Target audiences are scholars and students. The toolkit will include a database, analytic and statistical scripts, and a visualization interface. It will also include four datasets, which can be used in scholarly research and as tutorials for future users of the toolkit. The toolkit provides military historians open-source tools needed for detailed, queryable, and primary source-based study of any operational military history problem. The project is thus transformative and has great potential impact for the discipline.
Start Date
Document Type
history, maps, operations, analytics
Session List
OPMAPS - Data and Narratives in Military History and Beyond
Opmaps is mapping and analytics toolkit for operational military history. The toolkit employs statistical analysis to create operational datamaps, which present processes, trends, and developments in time and space. It connects quantities, such military forces, firepower, or civilians impacted, statistically with the narratives, which will be used for historical analysis and teaching. Target audiences are scholars and students. The toolkit will include a database, analytic and statistical scripts, and a visualization interface. It will also include four datasets, which can be used in scholarly research and as tutorials for future users of the toolkit. The toolkit provides military historians open-source tools needed for detailed, queryable, and primary source-based study of any operational military history problem. The project is thus transformative and has great potential impact for the discipline.