The Arequipa Nexus Institute for Food, Energy and the Environment (Nexus Institute) is located in Southwestern Peru, generally bounded by the city of Arequipa to the east, the Majes River to the west, the Pacific Ocean to the south, and the Andes mountains to the north. Though agriculture has been practiced in parts of this cool desert region (MAT~15°C, MAP
Start Date
Document Type
NEXUS, Peru, Landsat, land cover change, agriculture, ensemble classification, remote sensing, open source, R
Session List
Quantifying Four Decades of Arid-region Agricultural Development in Arequipa, Peru Using Landsat
The Arequipa Nexus Institute for Food, Energy and the Environment (Nexus Institute) is located in Southwestern Peru, generally bounded by the city of Arequipa to the east, the Majes River to the west, the Pacific Ocean to the south, and the Andes mountains to the north. Though agriculture has been practiced in parts of this cool desert region (MAT~15°C, MAP