The web site makes over 260 separate layers of GIS data and services easily discoverable, viewable and available in various formats for use by everyone. This presentation will discuss how IndianaMap provides statewide GIS data layers and technology.
- Introduction to IGIC, the IndianaMap and how it works.
- IndianaMap County Data Sharing initiative
- Statewide Orthophotography-LiDAR data
- Local-Resolution National Hydrography Data (NHD) Development
- ISDP & IndianaMap resources
- IndianaOpenTopography Server
- What’s Next ( & Open Data Portal)
Start Date
Document Type
IndianaMap, IGIC, geospatial, open data,, open topography, NHD, ISDP, orthophotography, LiDAR
Session List
Included in
IndianaMap GIS Resources
The web site makes over 260 separate layers of GIS data and services easily discoverable, viewable and available in various formats for use by everyone. This presentation will discuss how IndianaMap provides statewide GIS data layers and technology.
- Introduction to IGIC, the IndianaMap and how it works.
- IndianaMap County Data Sharing initiative
- Statewide Orthophotography-LiDAR data
- Local-Resolution National Hydrography Data (NHD) Development
- ISDP & IndianaMap resources
- IndianaOpenTopography Server
- What’s Next ( & Open Data Portal)